Not Sure How Many Calories to be Eating

I cannot get this layer of fat off - and I'm getting really frustrated.

I'm not sure how many calories to be eating. My TDEE is about 2100 (based off online calculators), so I've been eating 1500-1700 calories a day, with one cheat day a week (though I don't go too crazy. Dinner and dessert out at a restaurant).

I workout over two hours a day - cardio and weights. Other than that, I'm not sedentary, but not overly active.

Things I've read say if you aren't losing weight/fat, to decrease your calories. But I don't feel that I can go lower than I am. I know other people say to eat more, but if I'm eating close to TDEE, then I really won't lose any weight.

Any ideas?

I realize I exercise too much, it's currently something I'm working on.


  • BluthLover
    BluthLover Posts: 301 Member
    Well idk if I can help. But I'll try! First off you are prob burning more than that. Although what do you do for a job? Are u sitting at a desk?

    Here's my story. I have a body media. It says I burn 2500-2800 a day. Unless I'm eating 1800 or less the scale isn't moving. I tried eating more and that didn't seem to help. To be fair I didn't give it a good solid effort. I upped my calories for awhile but didn't so a full reset. I guess for me I feel like I need to eat at a pretty big deficit to lose. I also think I may have PCOS. I'm assuming you've had all your thyroid levels etc tested?