Biking for exercise

Hey guys! I have been power walking and doing some water aerobics for a while, as my main daily exercise. I am wondering if anyone does only cycling, whether at home or outdoors, as your only exercise? I bought a bike and want to use it for maybe 45-60 minutes, 5-6 days a week. However, I am wondering if that would be an adequate exercise by itself. I will ride at a decent pace, so more then just a leisurly stroll. Thanks!


  • Onedaywriter
    Onedaywriter Posts: 326 Member
    I don’t use my bike exclusively for exercise but I do use it. It’s definitely a good way to get a decent workout especially if you pedal hard!! I posted just the other day and I seem to be getting about 500 + calories used per hour. Definitely a decent calories out!
    Try to pedal continuously-limit downhill coasting etc to enhance the workout part.
    It is one of the few workouts I can do for a long time without becoming bored. So much to see out there! Enjoy the new ride!!
  • pridesabtch
    pridesabtch Posts: 2,377 Member
    Biking has always been my primary source of exercise either indoor or outdoor. My indoor rides are usually 30 -60 minutes very high intensity burn from 300-550 calories. Outdoor riding varies, but is usually 90 - 150 minutes and burn depends on terrain. Either way I love it. 5 years ago biking combined with strength training 3 days a week got me down to 18% body fat. Unfortunately, I got sick and things went to hell. Best of luck.
  • dmcforthewin
    dmcforthewin Posts: 135 Member
    Thanks! I also agree, that cycling is a fun and enjoyable exercise. I don't mind walking, but I get bored, if I'm just going around and around on a community park path, rather then some hiking trails. I think 500 calories for an hour of biking sounds great!
    I don’t use my bike exclusively for exercise but I do use it. It’s definitely a good way to get a decent workout especially if you pedal hard!! I posted just the other day and I seem to be getting about 500 + calories used per hour. Definitely a decent calories out!
    Try to pedal continuously-limit downhill coasting etc to enhance the workout part.
    It is one of the few workouts I can do for a long time without becoming bored. So much to see out there! Enjoy the new ride!!
    I don’t use my bike exclusively for exercise but I do use it. It’s definitely a good way to get a decent workout especially if you pedal hard!! I posted just the other day and I seem to be getting about 500 + calories used per hour. Definitely a decent calories out!
    Try to pedal continuously-limit downhill coasting etc to enhance the workout part.
    It is one of the few workouts I can do for a long time without becoming bored. So much to see out there! Enjoy the new ride!!

  • dmcforthewin
    dmcforthewin Posts: 135 Member
    That's awesome about your weight loss, just from biking alone. Your biking routine sounds about what I will be doing. Wishing you the best with your continued biking and weight loss journey!
    kentbray78 wrote: »
    Personally the stationary bike and walking outdoors are my only two exercises thus far, and they're working out for me. Biking I do 45-60 min 5-6 days a week as well. It helps to offset excess calories. I've already seen a 13 Lb weight loss.

  • dmcforthewin
    dmcforthewin Posts: 135 Member
    First, sorry about your unfortanate past health issue. I hope you are past it and doing better. You sound as if you're getting a pretty good workout from biking. I hope to work up to that at some point. I haven't been on a bike in a long, long time. I just got bored with what I was doing, so wanted a change. They say biking is fun!
    Biking has always been my primary source of exercise either indoor or outdoor. My indoor rides are usually 30 -60 minutes very high intensity burn from 300-550 calories. Outdoor riding varies, but is usually 90 - 150 minutes and burn depends on terrain. Either way I love it. 5 years ago biking combined with strength training 3 days a week got me down to 18% body fat. Unfortunately, I got sick and things went to hell. Best of luck.

  • pridesabtch
    pridesabtch Posts: 2,377 Member
    Biking is fun. I think the wind in my face is my favorite thing. It gives a sense of freedom.
  • Chieflrg
    Chieflrg Posts: 9,097 Member
    Adequate for your suggested cardio but not for your suggested resistance training.

    Happy pushing!
  • dmcforthewin
    dmcforthewin Posts: 135 Member
    I would have to agree with you! While I do like summer (when it's not crazy hot), I am looking forward to early fall and biking. I think for me, fall is my favorite time of the year.
    Biking is fun. I think the wind in my face is my favorite thing. It gives a sense of freedom.

  • dmcforthewin
    dmcforthewin Posts: 135 Member
    Thanks! That makes sense. I may have to add another type of exercise, with the biking. Just tired of the same ole thing.
    Chieflrg wrote: »
    Adequate for your suggested cardio but not for your suggested resistance training.

    Happy pushing!

  • sijomial
    sijomial Posts: 19,811 Member
    No it's not my only exercise but cycling is my primary exercise (especially during lockdown).

    "Adequate" - for what goals?
    It can help you achieve great CV fitness, strong legs, provide a huge range of fitness challenges, be hugely enjoyable, be social, help the environment by reducing car use, great for exploring - but what else are you hoping for?

    (It also means I have a far higher calorie allowance.)

    You will find many MyFitnessPal cyclists here

    And also on Strava here
  • icemom011
    icemom011 Posts: 999 Member
    I use cycling as my only exercise. I commute to work when possible and go on my rides few times a week. Those are a minimum of 31 miles, go longer when i have more time. Yes, it burns about 500 calories/hour. Cycling is pure love for me ever since I was a kid, i love open road in front of me, scenery around is added bonus. I'm lucky to live where i can ride year around. I don't enjoy indoor training much, although i do have a trainer.
  • dmcforthewin
    dmcforthewin Posts: 135 Member
    Thanks for sharing! Will check out the links.
    sijomial wrote: »
    No it's not my only exercise but cycling is my primary exercise (especially during lockdown).

    "Adequate" - for what goals?
    It can help you achieve great CV fitness, strong legs, provide a huge range of fitness challenges, be hugely enjoyable, be social, help the environment by reducing car use, great for exploring - but what else are you hoping for?

    (It also means I have a far higher calorie allowance.)

    You will find many MyFitnessPal cyclists here

    And also on Strava here

  • dmcforthewin
    dmcforthewin Posts: 135 Member
    It's great to hear others who chose cycling, as their main exercise. I wasn't sure if it was enough, but I guess it is. I'm just trying to reach my weight loss goals, which I'm not far off right now.
    icemom011 wrote: »
    I use cycling as my only exercise. I commute to work when possible and go on my rides few times a week. Those are a minimum of 31 miles, go longer when i have more time. Yes, it burns about 500 calories/hour. Cycling is pure love for me ever since I was a kid, i love open road in front of me, scenery around is added bonus. I'm lucky to live where i can ride year around. I don't enjoy indoor training much, although i do have a trainer.

  • bearly63
    bearly63 Posts: 734 Member
    I was a runner and did gym strength and yoga workouts. Then I was hobbled due to a femoral stress fracture in Feb and then decided to get a Peloton since I was told I could do non-weight bearing exercise only for 3 months - no walking or running for fitness, only swimming or cycling. I had lost almost 20 lbs at that point due to MFP and exercise and refused to go back. Well....I am totally, completely obsessed. I burn a crap load of calories, do all types of rides, love the strength, yoga, stretching and running content (was cleared to run again) and have actually found some really great groups and virtual friends which is nice since I am an extrovert living during a pandemic.

    I still love being outdoors so I will cross train but I never pushed my self running like I do on the bike....I have never sweated so much and I live in TX haha. But since its non-weight bearing, I will run and do strength....its not enough for bone density prevention.
  • dmcforthewin
    dmcforthewin Posts: 135 Member
    Thanks for sharing your experiences. Also, I don't live in Texas, but I have visited North Dallas in the summer. You are right, it's HOT!
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    It's not good for bone density as only workout. Not much for the upper body either.

    Hence I run too. Winter lift.
  • anido1
    anido1 Posts: 35 Member
    I try to do outdoor walking for about 30-45 minutes to get my steps in and 30-45 of indoor biking either in one day if I’m feeling motivated😬 or on alternate days. I really wanted the Peloton bike but was too expensive so got a decent bike at Costco and been using the Peloton app. Love the app so much!!! Too bad we can’t convert the time on the bike to steps🤣
  • dmcforthewin
    dmcforthewin Posts: 135 Member
    Oh, ok. Good to know. I guess you wouldn't get a workout for the upper body, so I will probably have to find something for that to add to my bike routine.
    heybales wrote: »
    It's not good for bone density as only workout. Not much for the upper body either.

    Hence I run too. Winter lift.

  • dmcforthewin
    dmcforthewin Posts: 135 Member
    Never heard of Pelton. Will have to look that one up.
    anido1 wrote: »
    I try to do outdoor walking for about 30-45 minutes to get my steps in and 30-45 of indoor biking either in one day if I’m feeling motivated😬 or on alternate days. I really wanted the Peloton bike but was too expensive so got a decent bike at Costco and been using the Peloton app. Love the app so much!!! Too bad we can’t convert the time on the bike to steps🤣