50kg overweight with depression and fibromyalgia

Hi my name is Kira,
I am 34 years old.
My favourite colour is purple,
and I have an 8 yr old boy who i love more than anything.

Back story
I have always struggled with my weight but around 2010 i weighed Apr 75 kg (size 12-14 was happy with this for me) it took a lot of physical exercise to achieve this as i have very little self control when it comes to food.

i started gaining weight after my parents passed away and was diagnosed with depression and anxiety. Then in 2011 i fell pregnant and was bed bound through most my pregnancy so after i had my boy 2012 was up to 110kg. Tough couple of years. I was having a lot of unusual illnesses and knew something wasn't quite right for years but stuck between the 100- 110 mark then just over 3 years ago the fibromyalgia properly kicked in. i didn't know why but my exercise was getting less and less and controlling my weight became harder and harder, end of last year i had to give up work as i could no longer manage and i finally got my diagnosis with fibromyalgia. i now at least know why i feel the way i do and am about to start working with a clinic to try and bet me more mobile.

Current state of me

I live with my autistic son and my autistic brother both of which are fussy eaters so i normally have to sort out at least 2 different meals at dinner and are never that healthy as by brother doesn't like fruit or veg and my sun wont eat sauces or gravies or potatoes. neither will eat salad and both cant plan or cook a meal unsupervised and without assistance. oh and i cant eat garlic or i am violently ill for 3-5 days.

sounds fun right?

I am a comfort eater and when i'm having a fibro flare (am in too much pain to think straight let alone prepare / cook a meal) just calling for a take out is too easy.

I'm not telling you this for sympathy or to get attention i just wanted to explain how i got where i am now and the fight i have going forward.

I have decided enough is enough and as of yesterday i am trying my hardest to start a fresh.
its going to be so tough as i cant walk to the corner shop without being in agony let alone follow an exercise program. My brother and son are supportive but clueless. my boy had a paddy-fit already today cause i wouldn't order pizza and when discussing dinner i already got "its only one meal it wont matter." from my brother.

so basically my support system is going to actually going to make this very hard, but if i change my habits now then not only am i going to be bed bound within the next few years or worse, im afraid my boy will pick up some really bad habits.

i'm hoping bu joining this community can get some help advice and encouragement. i need someone to use tough love and say. come on Kira you can do better than that not just let me brush it under the carpet time and time again.

It would also be nice to talk to other fibro sufferers to see how they cope