Men's group

Recently started a group for the guys if anyone is interested in connecting and posting about topics of interest. Here's the link.


  • CowboyLife
    CowboyLife Posts: 1,100 Member
    It’s like a virtual man cave - nice...
  • NotSoFat70
    NotSoFat70 Posts: 304 Member
    Vikka_V wrote: Β»
    This "men's group" idea is a great tactic to pique the ladies attention

    Why should it pique the ladies attention? The 100s of threads about PCOS ,TOM, feminism and the ones for women of every height and weight and every combination thereof don't pique my interest.

    All the replies about a men's group,with the exception of mine,are from women. Newsflash,we aren't preoccupied with womenwomenwomen 24/7 ,you know who is? Wimmin!

    One mfp group for guys to chat about guy stuff isn't gonna bring down the internet.just sayin 😎


  • _canadianbakin_
    _canadianbakin_ Posts: 413 Member
    Joeyd727 wrote: Β»
    Girls are NOT allowed to play in our treehouse!! #BroTalk

    We don't want to, anyway.
  • lando_rooney
    lando_rooney Posts: 465 Member
    Joeyd727 wrote: Β»
    Girls are NOT allowed to play in our treehouse!! #BroTalk

    We don't want to, anyway.

    Good!Now hasta la Vista ,baby!πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜›

  • Versicolour
    Versicolour Posts: 7,164 Member

    Every time I see this post it reminds me of Little Rascals.

  • NotSoFat70
    NotSoFat70 Posts: 304 Member

    Every time I see this post it reminds me of Little Rascals.


    I still have one bacon wrapped chicken breast if you're interested!..I go away! πŸ˜‹
  • Versicolour
    Versicolour Posts: 7,164 Member

    Every time I see this post it reminds me of Little Rascals.


    I still have one bacon wrapped chicken breast if you're interested!..I go away! πŸ˜‹

    🀭 I'll sneak in the back window and hide in the closet while you distract them. They'll never know I was here 🀫
  • NotSoFat70
    NotSoFat70 Posts: 304 Member

    Every time I see this post it reminds me of Little Rascals.


    I still have one bacon wrapped chicken breast if you're interested!..I go away! πŸ˜‹

    🀭 I'll sneak in the back window and hide in the closet while you distract them. They'll never know I was here 🀫

    Oh noooo! You come in,you'll sneak Jo in, suddenly there's a basement and guys are disappearing. I'll pass it to you in the singles hangout !😜
  • Versicolour
    Versicolour Posts: 7,164 Member

    Every time I see this post it reminds me of Little Rascals.


    I still have one bacon wrapped chicken breast if you're interested!..I go away! πŸ˜‹

    🀭 I'll sneak in the back window and hide in the closet while you distract them. They'll never know I was here 🀫

    Oh noooo! You come in,you'll sneak Jo in, suddenly there's a basement and guys are disappearing. I'll pass it to you in the singles hangout !😜

    πŸ˜‚ But would any of those guys complain?

    Very well, I will meet you in the basement 😜
  • cranialrock9934
    cranialrock9934 Posts: 12 Member
    Not a man here gonna complain about a few pretty ladies stopping by