Binged this morning- not sure what to do



  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,104 Member
    freda78 wrote: »
    The OP's profile says she is recovering from an eating disorder, look slim in her picture and then talks here about restricting, binging and purging.

    Other posts talk about "saving calories" to have regular binges of many thousands of calories as a deliberate act.

    Nuff said surely and can I suggest other posters should now back away with their advice?

    I recovered. I am 140lbs at 5’6. I am no where near underweight, and my goal is no longer to be underweight. I am happier not be stick thin anymore. I don’t restrict heavily, but yes, I am cutting some calories to try to lose some of the extra weight. I am doing everything like a normal healthy person would. I understand my history can be worrisome, but I am not engaging in eating disorder behaviors. I do not normally binge and purge, but I did this one time. Everyone has slip ups. I do have extreme cravings though, and I do find it difficult not to binge. I believe that would still mean advice would be helpful, as it is just as any normal person. I am only questioning saving calories as a possible method to offset my cravings so I can do this long term and in a heathy manner. Again, countless of healthy people asked about that too.

    I just want to say well done for standing up for yourself and well done with your recovery! I had a friend with anorexia and it took a very very long time for her to get better so well done.

    There will always be people that have something to say, not necessarily in a bad way, but you may find you always have that stigma.
    But the important thing is is that you have recovered, and you are healthy and you've made it very clear you don't want to be underweight. And I'm sure youre very well aware of what sort of things may trigger it or anything
    So you shouldn't be judged by your past ED is what I'm trying to say.
    (I'm pretty bad at wording things)

    Sorry I didn't really have any advice on your original post!

  • Mithridites
    Mithridites Posts: 595 Member
    It’s painful to see how tough on yourself you are.
    Living every day with things I found hard to accept was tough too.
    Reading these made some lightbulbs go off, and now it’s easier to live with the critical voice in my head:
    The Power of Now
    The Secret of Happiness
    Both by Eckhart Tolle