We be mood boostin

I just started working out again, lost 45 lbs and was feeling Fabulous in 2017, got lost somewhere there in 2018 2019, and ready to feel good again... ive been working out on my stationary bike, because the south is Hell's Sauna, and going out and walking is not at all appealing.
Add me, I would love friends for advice, encouragement, or just someone to talk to, that goes both ways.


  • Viking_Dad
    Viking_Dad Posts: 185 Member
    It's 108° here, but it's a dry heat, so...
  • stanlfink
    stanlfink Posts: 267 Member

    That was very funny how you explained that 2018 and 2019 got lost. I’ve lost over 100 lbs but gained a small amount back during this whole epidemic and messing up my routine. But, I’m back in track now.

    Feel free to add me if you like. I’m supportive and not judgmental. I did live in Virginia for quite awhile too and know a little bit about the South and summer heat plus humidity!