I'm feeling super unmotivated lately

I feel like I'm not seeing any changes at all. My streak here on MFP is 45 days, and for most of those days I was eating 1450 calories or less and going to the gym 5-6 days a week. I increased my calories to 1770 now (but usually eat lower than that) and still go to the gym the same amount, but I still don't see any progress. I have only lost 10 pounds since I started, when in the past I probably would have lost 20-25 by now.
My fiance swears that he sees progress and thinks I'm toning up, but I just don't see it. I think the scale should have moved a lot more. In the past I only did cardio and now I'm lifting a lot as well as doing cardio (sometimes if I lift more than usual I skip cardio, and sometimes if I'm not in the mood to lift I'll do cardio only), so I guess I'm not losing weight as fast because I'm also building muscle. But I just feel like I'm really not seeing any results and it makes me wonder why I'm even trying this hard when it's not paying off.


  • Lietchi
    Lietchi Posts: 6,335 Member
    I think you need to adjust your mindset. Stop saying 'only' 10lbs. That's a rate of 1.5 lbs per week, which is considerable. And I vehemently disagree with your 'not paying off' statement.

    One very big clue you have given is that you're lifting weight as well. I wouldn't say you've gained muscle already, after 45 days (it's a slow process, even more so for women). But resistance training can certainly lead to water retention. Furthermore, just conserving muscles is great while losing weight. Losing 20 to 25 lbs over a month and a half in the past sounds way too fast, combined with only cardio then, I'm sure you lost muscle mass on top of fat.

    I think you're doing great. Faster isn't necessarily better (and 1.5 lbs a week is plenty fast).
  • daniel_mdsn28
    daniel_mdsn28 Posts: 10 Member
    So I have recently switched my diet and routine up. I had done the exact same diet I am doing with no weights and I was dropping pounds like it was nothing. I am doing weights now and it is a much slower process. I am not sure if you have tried measuring your body vs just weighing it. I have switched to that with weighing in once every two weeks and measuring every week.
  • brendog79
    brendog79 Posts: 60 Member
    Be sure to be under your calories and log everything accurately. I make time to do a brisk walk everyday for about an hour which is a good deal for me and I burn about 450 calories a day. Im still morbidly obese at 317lbs down from 382lbs just shy of 3 months.