high cholesterol

New to all of this.....just diagnosed with high cholesterol, and am not wanting to go on meds so trying a diet change first.....looking for friends in the same situation so we can support each other in this journey. Thanks!


  • NovusDies
    NovusDies Posts: 8,940 Member
    A way of eating that leads to weight loss (if you have any to lose) might be helpful. A low cholesterol diet probably won't do anything unless you have a specific family gene.

    Mine only improved when I had enough weight off to exercise more.
  • MaltedTea
    MaltedTea Posts: 6,286 Member
    Same boat here @KMayf1. I started my journey to avoid the meds ~15 months ago. Earlier this summer my nutritionist said the priority, in order, was: stop smoking, lose weight via exercise, and then nutrition.

    And, if it's genetic as @NovusDies mentioned then, welp, we're kinda screwed anyway but at least we'd be screwed at a healthier weight lol

    I don't friend on MFP but I'm friendly so I look forward to seeing updates about your journey over time. You got this!
  • kfarnworth2785
    kfarnworth2785 Posts: 46 Member
    Yep ⛵⛴️🛳️🛥️ high cholesterol and high blood pressure here....