Advice please

I have struggled with my weight since I was 8 and now I'm 34 and STILL struggling. I drop weight then gain weight like I am on a weight roller coaster going up and down. But latley my depression is so bad and I find it extremely difficult to get my motivation up. For those of you who have succeeded during the rough times and when you felt lile dragging how did you keep going and not feel like your fighting a lost cause? When I think of 8 to my age now I wonder if I will EVER succeed. Thank you.


  • Lietchi
    Lietchi Posts: 6,341 Member
    I would suggest 'tackling' weight loss in such a way you need as little motivation as possible. Motivation is fleeting, even at the best of times.
    - build habits gradually: start by just weighing and logging your food, then try to stay within your calorie goal, then try to make gradual changes to your diet that make it easier to stick to your calorie goal (replacing French fries with baked potatoes,...). Exercise is optional for weight loss, but great for health and mental well-being, take the same gradual approach and do something you like. Walking is great too, to start with.
    - don't make your weight-loss unnecessarily hard: don't choose an overly fast weight loss rate, don't ban your favorite foods, don't choose a 'diet' you can't stick with long-term, ...

    And since you've been struggling with your weight since childhood, reflect on the reasons. And get professional help if there are more serious issues such as depression, binge eating,...

    I started on MFP thinking it wouldn't work. I don't even have a history of yoyo-ing, since I barely even tried to lose weight in the past.
    One year after starting my 'slow and steady' attempt now, and I'm down 44 lbs and counting. I barely need motivation, it's mostly just habit now!

    Good luck!