Done it before, Doing it again...

Hello all! OK so real quick history on me... back in 10 I weighed in at a whopping 285 pounds! YIKES! So on my 27th birthday, I made a pact to myself that I would lose 100lbs by my 28th birthday. Fast forward to my 28th birthday, I lost the 100lbs... then I've been maintaining. (FYI - no crazy fad diets were done either to lose the weight, just good ol' fashioned portion control, counting calories and exercise!) UNTIL recently... I've gained back a good, solid 10 pounds! So. Not. Good. The pants are getting tighter and some just don't quite fit anymore. So I'm getting strict again... I've got to. My biggest problem that led to me gaining the weight was I stopped working out for about 2 months... and in those 2 months, guess was I gained!? 10 pounds! Go figure. So for the past 5 days, I've been back in the gym and I'm getting serious about it. On a "bad" day for me, I eat about 1,800-1,900 calories. On a "good" day, I'd be happy at about 1,400 calories with exercising on top of that. I know I can do it because I've done it before. I will do it. Currently I sit at 193... I was at 183, comfortably. But now, I want to get out of my "comfort" zone and I want to lose another 25-30 pounds to get me down around 165ish. Mind you, I'm 5'9 so I'm not wanting to be a stick figure. I'm a cardio junkie which I know I need to switch up at the gym. I've been doing BodyPump classes but I'm looking into other weight training activities since I know those are what really gets the job done.

So here I go again... 30 pounds gone by November 14th. IT. WILL. HAPPEN! I've done it before and I'll do it again! :)

P.S. I'd love to make friends along the way so feel free to stop by and say hey!


  • erinyoung9415
    erinyoung9415 Posts: 22 Member
    UGH! Today is one of those days where working out after work seems like the worst idea ever!!! The only thing that's pulling me thru it is that I'll go to the gym, get my *kitten* on the treadmill and watch my Patriots 2nd/3rd stringers kick some NY Giants *kitten*... hopefully! :)

    I wish people could MAKE me go! Haha I can do it. I will do it. (Maaaybe! Haha)
  • jessicahill530
    jessicahill530 Posts: 65 Member
    Congrats on your amazing journey! I love your attitude! Feel free to add me :D
  • believe22
    believe22 Posts: 210 Member
    Good for you! I'm in a similar situation. I lost about 85lbs and over the past year and a half I've gained back about 10-15lbs. Getting back on track is the hardest part!
  • christineellis
    christineellis Posts: 296 Member
    Good luck to you!
  • k_harvey
    k_harvey Posts: 23 Member
    I'm back at it too and on my second week of 5 days a week at the gym. It feels great! I'm doing two bodypump classes a week and I used to be a cardio junkie also - because seeing all those calories burned was so satisfying!! But they say the calorie burn is longer after doing weights so let's do it!! My goal is to lose 13 pounds by November 14 (my Birthday) :-). Feel free to add me and let's keep each other on track!
  • k_harvey
    k_harvey Posts: 23 Member
    UGH! Today is one of those days where working out after work seems like the worst idea ever!!! The only thing that's pulling me thru it is that I'll go to the gym, get my *kitten* on the treadmill and watch my Patriots 2nd/3rd stringers kick some NY Giants *kitten*... hopefully! :)

    I wish people could MAKE me go! Haha I can do it. I will do it. (Maaaybe! Haha)

    Just think of how good you will feel for having gone -- and how bad you will feel later if you didn't....the hardest part is getting there!
  • erinyoung9415
    erinyoung9415 Posts: 22 Member
    I know SOOO true! Getting there is the hardest part. I mean, of course, I never feel bad when I'm leaving the gym. That's what kills me... if I know that I'll feel good after, why doesn't it make it easier to go!?! Haha But I'm going. I'm doing it. Cardio has got to be better than sitting my lazy *kitten* on the couch all night! :)

    And yes, let's do it! You can totally lose those 13 lbs by November! :) We got this!
  • congrats on your weight loss! request sent ;)
  • cdahl383
    cdahl383 Posts: 726 Member
    Good job! I've lost and gained weight a few times over the last few years myself. I'm hoping to lose it again and then keep it off for good.
  • TheEffort
    TheEffort Posts: 1,028 Member
    Hi, loved your story...congrats on the amazing weight loss.

    The toughest part is the motivation but once you find it...the rest is easy.

    Good luck and feel free to add me. :smile:

  • 1968samuel
    1968samuel Posts: 176 Member
    Wow!! You have done A LOT of great work so far! Keep it up and feel free to add me!
  • erinyoung9415
    erinyoung9415 Posts: 22 Member
    So I've been back on this workout/diet thing for the past 2 weeks and I've actually gained weight! WTF? I have stopped weighing myself everyday because that was seriously driving me crazy. I just couldn't do it anymore. And it's gotten easier only checking in once a week, but it's getting frustrating. HOWEVER, I will say that I think some of it might be muscle again because I notice that my clothes are fitting a little better and I just feel better overall, but I hate that I define myself by a number. It's so stupid to do that, but it's what I've always done. I know that my eating has been over where I'd like it to be but that's because of stupid peanut butter! (I need to throw it out again!) Haha

    It just sucks cause I was hoping this was going to be a good Friday, but after stepping on the scale, I just feel defeated again. I mean, I workout 6 days a week and burn a lot of calories (which I don't even include all the cals I burn in my exercise diary just to be on the safe side), yet I'm gaining. Oh well. I know I'm doing the right things. Just need to eat a little less and the rest will take care of itself.

    Ok sooo done with my whining for the day! NOW it's going to be a GREAT Friday! :)
  • I admire you for not letting the weight gain go past 10 lbs! unlike me who lost 52 and gained back im back again to lose it.
    your positive attitude will get you back to where you want and even more! congrats! you WILL do it!
    good luck on your journey! :flowerforyou: