What is the best way to distribute my calorie intake?

HI all,

Strange question - how should I distribute my calorie intake? Should I be aiming for more calories in the morning? Should I aim to have an equal number of calories per meal? Does it matter?

Appreciate any advice




  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,355 Member
    Yeah, it doesn't matter.

    You'll have to play around with it. Some people like smaller meals more often, some delay breakfast, some only eat twice a day so they can have larger meals, etc.

    Play with it.

    I think the bigger problem is making sure you are eating as much as you possibly can and still lose weight, it's the only sustainable thing. That will mean some sort of regular exercise, most likely.

    How many calories have you allowed yourself in your Goals?
  • fictionreader91
    fictionreader91 Posts: 26 Member
    [quote=" How many calories have you allowed yourself in your Goals?[/quote]

    :) I have 1220 set in my goals

  • janejellyroll
    janejellyroll Posts: 25,763 Member
    There is no objectively right answer, but there may be a right answer FOR YOU.

    Depending on preferences and lifestyle, people will have different preferences. Some people find having a larger breakfast helps them, others find they do better when they have a light breakfast or even completely eliminate it. Some people like to have multiple small meals throughout the day, some people like to save most of their calories for dinner. Some people never snack, others find snacking helps them stay on track.

    The best advice I can give is to experiment with some different meal patterns and keep notes on how you feel.

    I personally find I feel best when I have a lighter breakfast and lunch, minimize snacking, and have a big dinner.
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,355 Member

    :) I have 1220 set in my goals

    How much weight do you need to lose and how tall are you?

    1220 is the absolute lowest calories and very hard to stay with.

    Since you're just getting started, let me link a very helpful thread for you:


    Unless you are morbidly obese and in physical health danger due to your weight, I would suggest setting your goals less aggressively and allowing yourself 300-400 more calories per day.

  • spyro88
    spyro88 Posts: 472 Member
    It just depends on your lifestyle and what keeps you satisfied.

    For me, my partner often cooks for us both in the evening and I don't want to restrict him too much (he doesn't need to lose weight). I therefore try to eat less during the day when we're not together, so I can save calories for the evening and we can eat the same.
  • lemurcat2
    lemurcat2 Posts: 7,885 Member
    When I first started losing I had 1200 cals plus exercise cals, and usually ate the 1200 about equally spread over 3 meals, with the exercise cals being added to dinner. So maybe 400, 400, 600. I kept a similar pattern when I went to a TDEE method of 1500 cals -- 400, 400-500, 600-700. Now I've been doing a lunch and dinner only pattern, and it's mostly 50-50 (not exactly, but when I have the most cals varies and they aren't hugely different). I don't enjoy snacking and prefer meals, however I'll have a dessert of some sort after dinner (usually not sweet these days, although at one point it was typically ice cream), if I have extra cals.

    Aside from what I do, it doesn't matter except that it might make it easier or harder for you dependent on your individual preferences and lifestyle, so you should figure out what pattern you find most enjoyable and sustainable.
  • NovusDies
    NovusDies Posts: 8,940 Member
    edited August 2020
    There is no objectively right answer, but there may be a right answer FOR YOU.

    Depending on preferences and lifestyle, people will have different preferences. Some people find having a larger breakfast helps them, others find they do better when they have a light breakfast or even completely eliminate it. Some people like to have multiple small meals throughout the day, some people like to save most of their calories for dinner. Some people never snack, others find snacking helps them stay on track.

    The best advice I can give is to experiment with some different meal patterns and keep notes on how you feel.

    I personally find I feel best when I have a lighter breakfast and lunch, minimize snacking, and have a big dinner.


    Hunger management is your first priority. There are many things to try if you need help.

    Energy management is next. You want to have a slight calorie deficit but you also want to feel your best so that you are up and moving around. If you are exercising (you would definitely need to be eating more than 1200ish calories) you may find that you need to eat shortly before or after. This depends on the type of exercise and how much of it.
  • fictionreader91
    fictionreader91 Posts: 26 Member

    :) I have 1220 set in my goals

    How much weight do you need to lose and how tall are you?

    1220 is the absolute lowest calories and very hard to stay with.

    Since you're just getting started, let me link a very helpful thread for you:


    Unless you are morbidly obese and in physical health danger due to your weight, I would suggest setting your goals less aggressively and allowing yourself 300-400 more calories per day.

    I want to lose about 5 stone and am around 5 ft 7 - my BMI puts me at obese however recent doctor trip have highlighted no issues (unless you count weak knees)

    I do tend to try to run before I can walk - maybe slow and steady will win the race?
  • fictionreader91
    fictionreader91 Posts: 26 Member
    NovusDies wrote: »

    :) I have 1220 set in my goals

    How much weight do you need to lose and how tall are you?

    1220 is the absolute lowest calories and very hard to stay with.

    Since you're just getting started, let me link a very helpful thread for you:


    Unless you are morbidly obese and in physical health danger due to your weight, I would suggest setting your goals less aggressively and allowing yourself 300-400 more calories per day.

    I want to lose about 5 stone and am around 5 ft 7 - my BMI puts me at obese however recent doctor trip have highlighted no issues (unless you count weak knees)

    I do tend to try to run before I can walk - maybe slow and steady will win the race?

    My recipe for sustainable weight loss is never asking how fast I can lose the next pound but how easily. The easier it is the more likely I can stick with it and the more resilient I will be on harder days.

    It has been ultimately faster for me to lose weight a little more slowly. All my attempts to lose weight rapidly failed and I ended up regaining all my losses and usually more.

    Thank you :smiley: i really appreciate the advice.
  • spyro88
    spyro88 Posts: 472 Member
    edited August 2020

    Finally after all this I just raised my calories to 1500 (PLUS more on Exercise days, so five days a week I ate more like 1800.)

    That was much more sustainable and I lost all my weight at that.

    Good luck, and listen to your physical body. I don't think you'll be able to stay at 1220 for very long - and you don't need to. 1500-1600 (PLUS Exercise calories) is much more sustainable. You're in this to win, to succeed. You don't have to suffer.

    Same here. No way I could stick to 1220, I'd quickly give up if I tried. I'm on 1520 + exercise and am losing slowly but I am losing, and that's the important thing. I sometimes eat back exercise calories depending on how hungry I am. Seems to be the best way for me, but there's no 'right' answer for everyone.
  • oliverwnc
    oliverwnc Posts: 69 Member
    Lots of good advice here. I would certainly increase your calorie intake a little, and try to stay somewhat active. No need for huge, intense, epic workouts. Just get your step count up such as you can.

    For meal timings, I completely agree it's all about preference. For a long time, I'd backload my calories - very late breakfast, very late lunch (or afternoon snack) and most calories at dinner (unless I ended up under-eating).

    But then I realised: having more calories early in the day can help you to a) have more energy, b) feel less hungry and c) makes you forget about food (i.e. crave less).

    I'd do whatever you feel like on any given day. Keep it flexible :-)
  • thelastnightingale
    thelastnightingale Posts: 725 Member
    There's a right answer for you, and it does change. That's important. The right answer now, might be a different answer in three months' time.

    At the moment, I'm eating the majority of my calories for breakfast (like the old 'breakfast like a king' saying!) and having a midnight snack. It doesn't really matter, as long as you find some consistency.

    It also depends I think on when you sleep. For me, I like to have an afternoon nap (the joys of working from home) so I don't really need many calories at lunchtime, as I recharge from sleeping. However, I need to frontload the calories as I need the energy to concentrate at work first thing.

    It works better for me if I spend my calories earlier in the day, because if I'm starving by dinner time, I make seriously bad choices.
  • wilson10102018
    wilson10102018 Posts: 1,306 Member
    I don't eat anything after dinner which is usually around 6-7pm. This preceded my calorie counting and was due to nighttime reflux. I can tell you that if you can get to bedtime without a snack everything else seems easy. And, it usually leaves me with about 300/400/600+200 desert, for three meals and about 400 in snacks throughout the day. 1960 total. Almost never get there. Usually in the 1500-1600 range.
  • BahstenB10
    BahstenB10 Posts: 227 Member
    With my work out schedule, I workout sometimes at lunch and 6 nights a week. I find that having most of my 1600-1800 calories at breakfast and lunch with 2 snacks gives me the much needed energy to get thru my 2 a days and evening workouts. Dinner is the smallest meal of my day.
  • gewel321
    gewel321 Posts: 718 Member
    You have to figure out what the best way for you to split your calories up during the day to make you the most successful. I eat very few calories during the day. 45 for breakfast, around 300 for lunch. I do this so that I can eat a good dinner. I am able to eat whatever I want for dinner because I have so many calories saved. If I have an exercise session before I eat dinner then I will have a protein bar. I am also able to have a snack before bed. This is what works for me. You do you!
  • HeidiCooksSupper
    HeidiCooksSupper Posts: 3,839 Member
    edited August 2020
    What everybody said about doing what works for you. This may take some experimentation. Listen to what your body is telling you. If the "Special K breakfast" makes you want to eat six Whoppers for lunch, you need to change how you are eating. Your diet should both keep you healthy and satisfied.

    I'm happiest for the rest of the day if my breakfast has about 450 calories with some protein and fat included. This morning, for example, was oatmeal with guacamole and swiss cheese. I also try to make sure to be able to end the eating day with some mixed nuts. I figured these things out by trial and error. Do what works for you.
  • oliverwnc
    oliverwnc Posts: 69 Member
    What everybody said about doing what works for you. This may take some experimentation. Listen to what your body is telling you. If the "Special K breakfast" makes you want to eat six Whoppers for lunch, you need to change how you are eating. Your diet should both keep you healthy and satisfied.

    I'm happiest for the rest of the day if my breakfast has about 450 calories with some protein and fat included. This morning, for example, was oatmeal with guacamole and swiss cheese. I also try to make sure to be able to end the eating day with some mixed nuts. I figured these things out by trial and error. Do what works for you.

    I agree with you but I must find out more about this oatmeal recipe. With guacamole & Swiss cheese?! I'm astonished. Is that a good combination?!