100# weight loss - give up and gain even more...help.

I have tried, failed, tried again to diet so many times I have lost track. How many out there have lost 100#'s? I am a detail person and need the details into everything. I always thought low carb was the best for me but it gets boring and I give up...anyone else struggle with this? I now have let myself get into the 100 pound over weight category, wth! I know I need to start and keep going to reach my goal; my issue is with my giving up if I don't see results or that boredom leads to cheating, augh!


  • harper16
    harper16 Posts: 2,564 Member
    I had about 90 lbs to lose. I'm down about 30 currently. What helps me is to take a slow and steady approach. I also don't follow any named diets. I focus on my calories. I also set mini goals for myself, and secondary goals within my mini goals.

    Example my first goal was to get under 200 lbs. (Starting weight was 225). From there I focused on 10 lbs at a time. Right now I'm around 193, and my focus is getting out of the 190's, and reaching my 2nd mini goal of 185.

    Lots of good luck on your journey!
  • psychod787
    psychod787 Posts: 4,099 Member
    200+ at my lowest.
  • gewel321
    gewel321 Posts: 718 Member
    You should join the Larger Loser group. There are several people that have lost that and more. I started at 400 lbs 5 years ago and got down to 198 after a gastric sleeve. I never made it to my goal weight of 175 because I didn't follow the diet and exercise requirements. The sleeve was just a tool and I didn't use it. I put on 50 lbs over the next several years and decided last October that I needed to get my act together or I would be back to 400 lbs. I joined MFP and have worked (except 2 months after COVID hit. I work in a critical Access Hospital and I couldn't juggle everything) very hard to get down to goal. I am not there yet but I am making great progress. It's all about calorie in vs calorie out. I didn't give up any food that I like because that would not help me to succeed. If I want fries then I make sure I have calories for it. If I want a truffle then I have one and log it. Nothing is off limits and that has helped a great deal.