Ladies – Your One Burning Question

Can you help me out?

I'm looking for topics to write about in a blog and I'd like to know what one thing you'd most like to have more information about when it comes to nutrition, weight loss, body re-composition, muscle building, exercise, healthy living, self-care, active aging, etc.

Thanks in advance – Jennifer


  • sardelsa
    sardelsa Posts: 9,812 Member
    Hey :)

    In other groups I am apart of I see a lot of the same topics asked over and over. Especially to do with nutrition and what workouts to do.

    Here are a few examples :
    -How much should I be eating, what should my macros be?
    -Should I lose weight or gain weight?
    -How can I manage my cravings?
    -Do carbs cause fat gain? Can I eat bread and still get lean?
    -Can I build muscle and lose weight at the same time?
    -What supplements should I take?

    -How many times a week should I exercise, what kind of lifting routine should I follow?
    -What can I do if I don't have access to a gym? Or have limited equipment (dumbbells, bands etc).
    -I want to lose weight, cardio or lifting first?
    -How do I grow my glutes/delts/back?
    -How do I lose belly/back/thigh fat?
  • MidlifeCrisisFitness
    MidlifeCrisisFitness Posts: 1,106 Member
    I'm not a lady but I hear this one very often. Which exercise is good for diastasis recti repair?
  • Jen2133
    Jen2133 Posts: 95 Member
    Thank you to those of you who have provided feedback so far <3
  • gallicinvasion
    gallicinvasion Posts: 1,015 Member
    How do I get out of the diet/weight gain cycle?
  • fstrickl
    fstrickl Posts: 883 Member
    Okay so there’s two ways I’m going:

    - what @Lietchi said about protein, and I’d expand it to understanding macros a bit better.

    The other direction is on how toxic weight loss culture can be. It’s something I personally struggle with, do I want to look a certain way for myself or because the messages of beauty I’ve received my whole life have influenced me? I would love to read something that encourages womxn (and everyone really) to truly find out what their health motivations are and how to set healthy boundaries around diet, exercise, and enjoying life. I know it’s different for everyone but there seems to be such a rift between body positivity and working out. I’d love to see that rift start to be bridged! (Accounts like Iweigh seem insightful to this). I just think we can love our bodies at whatever size AND work towards a certain goal we may have. They don’t need to be mutually exclusive!
  • claireychn074
    claireychn074 Posts: 1,567 Member
    Why can’t I learn to snatch properly despite expert coaching?!

    Sadly that’s not something which a blog is going to help 🤣
  • SnifterPug
    SnifterPug Posts: 746 Member
    Physical and mental effects of menopause and how to address them with exercise (and diet, I guess).
  • Jen2133
    Jen2133 Posts: 95 Member
    Checking back in here… menopause seems like a big topic of interest. I'm 53 and going through it, so I definitely have a personal interest. Luckily, I have had very few issues or symptoms, but I know this is not the case for everyone. I'd very much like to do some research, and interview a few doctors and specialists to find opinions, facts and clarity. Great topic!

    Protein and macros in general is another great topic. I know that, personally, I have used various formulas at different times. My feeling is that this is somewhat specific to the individual, but I'll look for a study that provides some data.

    Diet culture and long-term maintenance – love this topic.

    @claireychn074 I have a great deal of trouble with snatches, too!

    @lynn_glenmont I can see how you would think that!!! Lol :)

    So much great input! You are all encouraging me so much with this project. Thank you!!
  • Mouse_Potato
    Mouse_Potato Posts: 1,507 Member
    Lietchi wrote: »
    I'd love to know what the protein requirements are specifically for women, since most studies are based on men. And whether they should be calculated based on lean body mass or total weight.

    I would like to know this as well. I've heard 30% of total calories and I've heard 1 gram for each pound of LBM, but those numbers are vastly different, so which one is right???
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 28,053 Member
    I remember hearing an episode of the "Half Size Me" podcast on menopause that I really liked. I believe it was earlier this year (very early - before the lockdown), so likely not the one that's coming up from June 17, 2019, but I don't know if my memory is correct or if I was listening in order.

    I think Heather had recommendations regarding protein, fiber, and exercise, which are of course good at any age, but there was a reason why it was especially important around menopause or peri-meniopause, which is where I am now.
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 28,053 Member
    Jen2133 wrote: »
    Can you help me out?

    I'm looking for topics to write about in a blog and I'd like to know what one thing you'd most like to have more information about when it comes to nutrition, weight loss, body re-composition, muscle building, exercise, healthy living, self-care, active aging, etc.

    Thanks in advance – Jennifer

    I think more important than topics is your plan to get eyeballs on your blog. You can have the best info in the world, but without a solid strategy to drive traffic, you'd be wasting your time.
  • Jacq_qui
    Jacq_qui Posts: 443 Member
    I think the emotional side of losing weight is not talked about enough - and are we ever happy when we reach that 'goal'. Body positivity, realistic expectations and the reality so on. How our minds adjust to a new size - for me at least my mind hasn't caught up with my shape. How do we find balance of it not being our focus? I feel like I am going to be tracking forever and yet I doubt I will ever be happy when I look in the mirror - especially when you factor in aging.

    Other issues>

    How can I gain muscle when I am not in the gym with limited equipment and space at home.

    A lot of talk about losing weight, but what about altering our diet so that we are eating healthy? Eating at a deficit is not the same as eating well and teaching yourself to do so.
  • Jen2133
    Jen2133 Posts: 95 Member
    @Mouse_Potato (I'm chuckling at your user name!) Yes! there are definitely different opinions on protein. From my own experience, there is a minimum amount that is needed for health and satiety, but then it varies from there.

    @kshama2001 I will check out the link you provided – thank you. I work in the marketing industry and, I recently took Marie Forleo's B-School program (which is awesome), so I have a lot of solid info at my fingertips. But, I agree – its going to take a bunch of work and time :)

    @jacqQ2017 I understand your comment completely. Even though I'm not logging, I can't get away from measuring my food, lol. And, home workout strategies are an excellent topic!

    Thank you all <3
  • RidiriH
    RidiriH Posts: 11 Member
    Here’s something to think about...everyone hears about foods good for a healthy heart, and recently a lot about “the gut.” How about concentrating, perhaps a month at a time, on what to eat/specific exercise for different organs? I’ve gotten a handle on kidney stones with ACV and water, and improved my gall bladder and liver with different foods. Not many teach on this or WHY these organs are important. There’s the pancreas, skin, colon, small intestine...hope this isn’t grossing you out 😂. Anyway, I learned to make friends with radishes, which are good for the gall bladder. Haven’t had an attack since December 2019 with changing my eating habits. Hope this idea will be useful.