The truth is ugly



  • kaittx13
    kaittx13 Posts: 88 Member
    You are so right the truth can be so ugly.
    It took guts to stick with your dairy and actually right everything down. I know Ive been a coward before and just didnt finish my diary one day becuase i didnt want to have to face those numbers. So good job to you! :)

    It is so interesting how alot of people have something to say about the soda situation or it affects on our health in general. So many people consume great amounts of it every day and yet we dont truely know what it does to us.

    I used to freaking love SPRITE. I could easy drink 5 full glasses at a restraunt before the food even came. Then I got more educated about it..even though i knew it was bad for me.. but really learning about it helped kick the habit. That is exactly what you are doing. :) As well as the suger and calories... the carbonation in soda can casue you to feel bloated and not eat as much of the healhty food you need.. and that can cause you to get hungry sooner.

    I first stopped drinking sodas a restraunts because water is cheaper..its free :))
    and then i just kept cutting it out of the life from there.

    NOOWW I can easily drink 5 glasses of water when at a restaurant. My friends always say it would just be easier if the waiter would set a pitcher of water on the table so they dont have to refil my glass so often.

    GOOD LUCK on your journey of weight loss!! :))
  • akaDumbo
    akaDumbo Posts: 187
    But the thing that really struck me today, when looking over my food diary for the day, my recommended calorie intake for the day is 1600, those calories are beginning to look kind of valuable to me. I easily drink a meals worth of calories everyday. Do I really want to waste my precious calories on a drink?

    I had always insisted I didn't eat much so should not be anywhere near the size I am. Then I started using an online food diary (nowhere near as good as this one). I was absolutely stunned to see that more than 50% of my daily calories came from drink. When I say drink I dont mean alcohol or pop, I mean coffee with sugar in. I tried to cut down the coffee but was adicted to the caffine so I gradually switched to decaff by mixing the 2 jars together. Once I was no longer addicted my 20 cups of coffee a day shrank to about 3 and then when I no longer needed the coffee I stopped the sugar. It took some time but I got there in the end and you will too. You have already taken the first step by filling in your diary, keep up the good work and dont be so down on yourself.
  • Dreamerlove
    Dreamerlove Posts: 441 Member
    Good mind set! Very good, keep in mind that my aunt was ADDICTED to pepsi if she didn't drink she was GRUMPY and ill and all sorts, she HAD to have it in the morning to wake her up and she decided to quit cold turkey and when she did she lost 8 pounds in one week, from NOT drinking soda..this won't work for everyone, but it will work for people who drink it like she did. Plus imagine how GOOD you will feel, not having all the syrup in your body and chemicals.
  • jeweljade
    jeweljade Posts: 93
    It really opened my eyes when I start logging what I ate on here. I have always been taught to count calories, but I didn't always keep tabs on how much fat, carbs, sodium, sugar etc that I was eating. It was a huge eye opener for me. I was a huge diet soda drinker, but I was finally able to get off of it. Are you familiar with Stevia? It is a natural plant base sweetener that comes from the Stevia leaf and it is 0 calories and better for you. TrueVia and PureVia are two companies that offer Stevia sweetener . The 0 calorie Sobe life water is sweetened with PureVia. It doesn't have the nasty after taste that a lot of diet drinks have, and it's not a carbonated beverage so even better! They are only a dollar at walmart, and there are a million different flavors. So now if I need something to drink other than water and the oolong tea in my fridge that is what I drink. Even my hubby loves them. Hope this helps =)
  • BOGmama2010
    BOGmama2010 Posts: 599 Member
    Great job and I agree the truth is ugly. My downfall has been looking at how much sodium is really in the foods I eat.

    You have gotten some great advice. Keep with it and you will change your life. As I have realized today, old self with your no motivation, you are no longer welcome here. You may have red on your chart (I do too some days) but at least you are honestly charting and that takes motivation.

    Keep up the good work!
  • 1Steph1
    1Steph1 Posts: 145
    Diet pop can be a BIG mistake especially when losing weight. It is junk and full of chemicals. Your better off having actual sugar than aspartame. Check out this article on pop very informative :)

    GOod luck :):)