Debating Crossfit...



  • Chieflrg
    Chieflrg Posts: 9,097 Member
    AliNouveau wrote: »
    Chieflrg wrote: »
    andybing11 wrote: »
    Chieflrg wrote: »
    andybing11 wrote: »
    Chieflrg wrote: »
    andybing11 wrote: »
    It never hurts to try something new. Per everyone else, the right coach can help address the concerns / issues you have with your wrists and modifications. Try it once - if it isn't right, at least you tried! You never know until you try! Better to give it a shot than to sit around wondering "what if"

    Wrong, with conditions described as "major problems" you can indeed hurt yourself. In all about self efficacy but this situation could be highly problematical.

    I agree with "the right coach" though we are talking CF where one can obtain a cert in a matter of a few hours on a Saturday. We might not roll the dice on a random coach in this case especially when load management isn't emphasized the majority of times.

    And by try I mean show up. It doesn’t hurt to show up. He knows his body. Sometimes it takes going to see if you can participate or not.

    I agree except for the comment about major problems.

    CF if probably one of the hardest ways to stay fit. Add major problems with the wrist? I feel the cons out weigh the pros.

    That comes from a person who fully believes in self efficacy.

    “It never hurts to try something new” is legitimately a common saying. It isn’t meant to be literal. Yes, it COULD hurt but it was meant in a way as “just show up.” Not let me throw 300 lbs on a bar and do snatches. I feel a lot people on here literally just want to argue. I never said anything about major problems.

    I saw you arguing with someone else literally in another thread about half squats and this and that. Why so tense bro!? Go do a should shrug.

    Also, you do know, you can hide behind a computer just like a CF coach can get a cert in one day. Same goes for personal trainers. They can do the exact same thing.

    Go tell the guy with one leg he can’t run a marathon cause he doesn’t have two. Well, guess what!? He did. And he emptied his artificial leg every 3 miles cause it filled with sweat.

    Everything can be done in reason. There’s no reason why you should tell someone they CAN’T do something. There are ways to make things work.

    Stop taking the air out of people’s wings. I’m not here to argue with people. Times are tough.
    I was referring to the OP's relative comment of having major wrist problems. As I stated earlier, I'm all for self efficacy, but this case we should know more info such as professional diagnosis and training history as ai requested.

    Yes somebody stated half squats had no use in another thread and attacked my advice and profession. I provided current evidence that backed up my statement that for certain goals half squats have their place. If you found that offensive, then we can shoulder shrug together I suppose.

    As a person who ran two half marathons on back to back days in one weekend after being confined to a wheel chair over 5 months prior and being in treatments/surgeries for about a year as well, I assure you I know how to deal with major joint issues in some compacity. I was in some fashion that guy with one leg you want me to tell he can't. Please don't assume I that I'm not supportive of people with challenges. I train people with partial hands, one leg, cerebral palsy, crippled from RA, people with the OPs condition, etc...if you feel that I'm advising not to try to the masses, you would be mistaken. I'm advising that CF might not be a great first choice with it's history and training style and what we do know about the OP.

    Please understand when I give advice, its my opinion based on current evidence or professional experience. You can disagree. I welcome being challenged as I have stated in other threads. We learn from each other and if someone's asks me a question I want to make sure I'm giving the best advice based on science and experiemce.

    I'm not arguing to make you feel attacked, I'm trying to state that sometimes people make statements like "It never hurts to try" without considering but what if it does in certain cases. Then we have a thread a month later that I pushed myself too far when they had a red flag to start.

    Maybe think of this way.

    One otherwise healthy one legged man who had experiencing running wants to run a marathon. He trains for it appropriately. Builds up for it gradually with good load management.

    Now we have a one legged man who has major problems with his knee. Are we quick to advice to start running or do we ask what experience he has running and if he was dx'd for his knee. Perhaps suggest a good well established strength program rather than attempting parkour for the first time because he wants a challenge. Suggesting he can show up and stop anytime.

    I'm inclined to go the safer route in that specific case.

    Hope this page long reply brings some clarity to my answer of current and future replies.

    I apologize if you felt aggression.

    ´*** Editted to add. Your comment on CF coach certs vs personal trainer certs is valid and I agree 100%

    Certs are used to get a job in a commercial gym and does not establish you are knowledgable and a good coach. The info needed to obtain a cert is 99% regurgitated garbage and any good coach would tell you that.

    I only pointed out CF cert because it was specific to the thread.

    I've nothing really to add to the original thread other than I agree if you have injuries tread carefully. I have had shoulder surgery so CrossFit is out for me.

    But in response to the comments about coaches and trainers getting certified it's that way in every sport....I trained at a very high level for my sport, my entire life and was always told at the club where I taught if I didn't do certain things my students would be given to someone with a higher level of certification. I would laugh because her book smarts would never compare to my real life learned skills and talents.

    Chief, you seem to have some life experience behind your learning and teaching. Sadly many don't understand this. Highlight that. You have been there done that and your experience is such and such. But remember not everyone is open to hearing this. I will correct people today and those who know my background are excited to get my help since their coaches tell them my advice is like gold, whereas others question or will even argue. Boggles my mind but this is the way of the world.

    Point taken. I'm passionate about helping people and experience misinformation for decades. Sometimes my bluntness of "don't be a sheep like I was" hits wrong.

    Thanks for your reply.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,718 Member
    Before trying anything "new", you should be assessed first. And not by a Crossfit person. I would go to a sports orthopedist and get their take on your wrist. Because if you screw up more, they will be the person who will be fixing them for you. Your body is your body. You screw it up and permanently damage it, you have to live with it, not a trainer. So side with caution first. There's no loss is making sure that you can handle what you can do and not what someone thinks you can do.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
