Exercises for Bust area



  • mariposa224
    mariposa224 Posts: 1,269 Member
    You can't spot reduce. You can do certain strength training techniques (like bench press) to help support and lift the area, but not necessarily minimize.

    Not to mention, many women lost form the bust area because breasts are composed of breast tissue AND fat; some women have more breast tissue than fat, and don't lose from the area much at all.

    Chalk up the money and alter the bust--you'll look better and feel better.

    But if it's already too small, can they really alter to make it bigger? I guess I'm not too familiar with wedding dresses and alterations, if they can do that, I definitely will! The money isn't really the issue, I just didn't think they could make it bigger only smaller.
    It depends on the dress & how much fabric is there. I bought mine in a size 8 because it fit me everywhere BUT my waist. It only needed to be let out a smidge on both sides in the waist area in order to zip up the last little bit.
    Hopefully these will come out, the blurrier one was at my first appointment, when I chose the dress. You can see it didn't zip all the way. The second is after I had the alterations done, the dress zips all the way, after being let out a little on each side. They can do that with darts at the bust, etc, but, in all honesty, it depends on the dress & the amount of fabric they're working with.

  • MyouTakaraTriesAgain
    Hope this won't double-post. The site was down the first time I tried.

    Gotta admit, I'm more scared about how many women in this thread (and a few others) who don't seem to understand how bra sizing works.

    If your straps are cutting in, your bra DOES NOT fit. Not that I have room to talk; I haven't bought any new bras since I lost 20 pounds (but stores don't CARRY my size...)

    Shameless plug for reddit.com/r/ABraThatFits

    And here's their measuring guide: http://www.reddit.com/r/ABraThatFits/wiki/measuring

    Getting a properly-fitted bra might be a big help.
  • MissMollyMN
    Hope this won't double-post. The site was down the first time I tried.

    Gotta admit, I'm more scared about how many women in this thread (and a few others) who don't seem to understand how bra sizing works.

    If your straps are cutting in, your bra DOES NOT fit. Not that I have room to talk; I haven't bought any new bras since I lost 20 pounds (but stores don't CARRY my size...)

    Shameless plug for reddit.com/r/ABraThatFits

    And here's their measuring guide: http://www.reddit.com/r/ABraThatFits/wiki/measuring

    Getting a properly-fitted bra might be a big help.

    I'm not even wearing a bra with my dress so I don't think that is the problem...also I get measured at VS and buy all my bras there so I'm pretty sure they fit.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    maybe not- Vickies is not exactly known for it's high quality service on bra fitting.
  • MissMollyMN
    maybe not- Vickies is not exactly known for it's high quality service on bra fitting.

    ...they aren't?
  • firstsip
    firstsip Posts: 8,399 Member
    maybe not- Vickies is not exactly known for it's high quality service on bra fitting.

    ...they aren't?

    They're the worst. Try getting fit at Nordstrom, or doing measurements yourself and plugging them into various calculators and forums online dedicated to helping women find good fitting bras.

    However, like you said, the issue was the bust of the dress... too bad that condescending poster from earlier missed the comprehension train :wink:
  • ash8184
    ash8184 Posts: 701 Member
    Try lifting heavy and focusing on your arms/shoulders. I'm by no means an expert, but from my limited experience, working the pecs will help your chest overall, and if you work your shoulders, that might help your overall chest circumference and you may lose a few inches? Just a thought.
  • UrbanLotus
    UrbanLotus Posts: 1,163 Member
    Hope this won't double-post. The site was down the first time I tried.

    Gotta admit, I'm more scared about how many women in this thread (and a few others) who don't seem to understand how bra sizing works.

    If your straps are cutting in, your bra DOES NOT fit. Not that I have room to talk; I haven't bought any new bras since I lost 20 pounds (but stores don't CARRY my size...)

    Shameless plug for reddit.com/r/ABraThatFits

    And here's their measuring guide: http://www.reddit.com/r/ABraThatFits/wiki/measuring

    Getting a properly-fitted bra might be a big help.

    I'm not even wearing a bra with my dress so I don't think that is the problem...also I get measured at VS and buy all my bras there so I'm pretty sure they fit.

    Sorry but this is pretty much a guarantee that they don't fit well and are crappy bras :\
  • UrbanLotus
    UrbanLotus Posts: 1,163 Member
    maybe not- Vickies is not exactly known for it's high quality service on bra fitting.

    ...they aren't?

    No. You might as well ask a random off the street to fit you, they don't teach associates how to fit/measure, and they vanity size their crappy bras. A well fitting bra might just make the difference in your dress - get to Nordstrom or a lingerie boutique before you try altering the dress (which should be able to be done)

    ETA - oops just saw you aren't wearing a bra with the dress. Well, go do this anyway, just for life in general lol. And have the dress altered.
  • MissMollyMN
    Yeah, my bras fit fine lol I don't know how that topic got switched.

    Anywhoo, thanks for the advice everyone!
  • Ely82010
    Ely82010 Posts: 1,998 Member
    Alright, so I did something ballsy...two months ago I bought my wedding dress a size smaller than I was. I knew if I bought it to fit me then, I wouldn't have enough motivation to lose the weight and I even if I did I would just need to pay to get it fitted anyways.

    GOOD NEWS is last night I tried it on for the first time since I started getting hardcore, I've lost about 12 lbs so far and it fits like a gem! The only thing is when I go to sit down it feels REALLY tight in my boobs. I know for some girls the boobs is the first place they lose, but apparently not me! I really really want to get them smaller and strengthen my back muscles as well. The dress is pretty much backless so I want to get my arms and back in the best shape possible!

    I don't even think I have to lose that much more weight necessarily, just get toned! I have exactly two months...suggestions, workouts, anything is appreciated. ready...GO!

    If your breast are mainly fat, then you will reduce them, eventually; but if your breasts are made of mostly mammary gland (less fat), then you are stuck with what you have.

    People makes the wrong assumption that breast are only fat, and that is wrong; we have mammary glands (breastfeeding???), and losing weight doesn't mean that the glands will disappear.
  • MyouTakaraTriesAgain
    Sorry for switching the topic to bra-fitting (and I completely missed where you said you aren't wearing one?), but I thought a good bra might actually help with the fit of the dress.

    Also, sorry if I was t he one who came off condescending. But generally, a bra that cuts into your shoulders does not fit. Most of the support should come from the band, not the straps. A tighter band will take the pressure off your shoulders. Use the guide and measure yourself. You might be surprised.
  • alannalemon
    alannalemon Posts: 23 Member
    i would say do some weight lifting + clean eating and that would be your best chance at making your back muscles more defined and making your bust smaller :)

    i used the chalean extreme program and it helped me a lot! its's a 90 day program but i started seeing results 2 weeks in. let me know if you are interested and i can point you in the right direction :) also, if you have a gym membership you can look into the new rules of lifting for women and focus on back/shoulder/deltoid exercises (with some variety thrown in, of course!)
  • joshdann
    joshdann Posts: 618 Member

    There should be a law against making boobs smaller

    *mutters away into the distance*

    Haha, yeah, I talked to my mom about this too and she said I might want to check with my fiance first before I start losing my boobs. lol

    Your mom sounds like a real smart lady. ;)