I'm back for another round...

Hi! My name's Chantelle and, as the title suggests, this isn't the first time I'm on MFP. I wish I could say it was my second, but that would also be a lie. This is my third try; hopefully my last.

Two years ago I was going really strong. I was eating well, I'd lost almost 30kg's, and I thought I'd finally beaten my bad habits. I was wrong. It started with a small distraction - a new relationship. I'm happy to say that we've now been together for two years, but it's been quite the challenge, reaching this point.

I stopped exercising and eating healthy, and I started smoking again. I picked up a few other bad habits along the way as well. Everything I lost, I gained back - and then some. I also quit my job to start my own business and start freelancing full time, and the stress alone put my anxiety back on a full steam feature.

Today marks the first day I've exercised again, and the first time I've felt confident enough to come back to this community. It's been 14 days since my last cigarette, and months since many of my community friends logged in.

So... I'm back for another round. This time, I want to MAKE it stick. I'm tired of waking up with a wheezing chest, and being heavy enough that my own body cuts off my bloodflow when I sleep. It's time to get back on this bloody horse - and, hopefully, meet a few supportive friends along the way.

Love to all! <3


  • gabby2876
    gabby2876 Posts: 12 Member
    I have also been on here a number of times. I wish you all the best on your journey. I am sure you know all the tips and tricks of the trade. Stay strong my friend.
  • MidlifeCrisisFitness
    MidlifeCrisisFitness Posts: 1,106 Member
    I found your biggest issue...
    "This is my third try; hopefully my last."

    In the words of Yoda "Try not, do or do not."

    Using the word "try" leaves room for excuse. If you don't want to feel like you failed then manage your goals tighter. Smaller wins, shorter timeframes, habit goals. Make them milestones and celebrate them along the journey.
  • cravinglifechants
    cravinglifechants Posts: 502 Member
    @KHMcG You're right. I shouldn't have phrased it that way. Thankfully, I do manage my goals in small, short, and achievable timeframes and milestones, and I keep it realistic. What I need to do is get my mindset right. Thanks!
  • Diatonic12
    Diatonic12 Posts: 32,344 Member
    @cravinglifechants You know the pathway.^^ So much of this stuff is mental. Start a journal. It will keep your mind busy during the inevitable rough patches.
  • LunaTheFatCat
    LunaTheFatCat Posts: 237 Member
    I've rejoined as well, about 3 weeks ago.
    You did amazing losing the 30kgs, so you know this works. Get back on that horse!
  • Mrspalacio
    Mrspalacio Posts: 18 Member
    edited September 2020
    I think this may be my 4Th time but I weigh more then I ever have ....so I am really trying last time I lost over 65lbs n I gained it all plus another like 20 I’m really hoping I can make this stick you guys are more then welcome to add me we can all try n motivate each other
  • nicok1234
    nicok1234 Posts: 4 Member
    This is my 3rd time round hopefully will work this time