Vegetarian wanting to lose weight & eat sufficient protein

Hello, I'm new to the community and want to lose some weight but also make sure I don't lose muscle, in fact I'm working on building that. So any tips about where other vegetarians (or knowledgeable non-veggies) get their non-animal protein sources from without piling on the weight I'll read with interest as I need to learn to do the right thing for my body.


  • joanneaggesen1
    joanneaggesen1 Posts: 5 Member
    Been a vegetarian for 40 years. Egg whites, tofu. Beans, nuts and seeds in small amounts. I'm 59 and find as I get older the weight comes on more easily, so I am cutting down on portion size, eating only 2 meals a day and exercising daily. I avoid all crap like candy, cake, chips, etc. Never liked sweets anyway. Always preferred salty snacks but as I age my blood pressure (which was normal all my life) is beginning to creep up-- so no more salt at all. If I am jonesing for a savory snack I bake a potato or have a piece of rye toast. And I stopped drinking, alcohol seems to inhibit weight loss for me so I'll keep it to a glass of wine per week. And practicing intermittent fasting...eating my meals within an 8 hour window so my body can rest and repair for the other 16 hours a day.

    Walking 4-5 miles a day, 10 minutes of weightlifting and 20 minutes of Pilates daily. Seven days a week.

    You look young, my advice to anyone is get your weight to a good place before you turn 50. After that it is MUCH harder to shed the pounds. Wish I had followed my own advice, LOL, but I am committed to losing the 25 pounds I need to NOW. Even if it takes me a year to do it.

    Good luck Josie!
  • zebasschick
    zebasschick Posts: 1,067 Member
    everything joanneaggesen1 says, plus stuff like non-fat cottage cheese, non-fat or low fat yogurt, low fat cheese. i sometimes cook a batch of soybeans, then add stuff to make 'em taste good. i also really like edamame pasta, with just about any sauce. the edamame pasta also makes a tasty, high protein pasta salad.

    and if you want burgerish stuff, my husband is a vegetarian who eats morningstar farms sausages and boca burgers, both vegetarian.
  • JoAmsterdam
    JoAmsterdam Posts: 1 Member
    I struggle to get enough protein. My secret weapon is buttermilk. I love the slightly yoghurty taste. Despite the name, it's really low in fat. 200ml of my brand contains 67 calories, 1g fat and a helpful 7g of protein. You can whizz it up with fruit to make a smoothy, if you're craving something sweet.