Apple Watch users!

Hi!! For those of you who use them and track your Tatar’s on here how do you do it? Is it just “move” for calories? Or does the move goal have nothing to do with calories burned? Please help thanks in advance!


  • gewel321
    gewel321 Posts: 718 Member
    I sync my workouts and steps and it calculates my calories from there. Apple watch is notorious for not syncing correctly on steps so I use an intermediate app to sync those. I synced my apple watch to pacer and then pacer to MFP. It is much more accurate that way.

    Not sure what Tatars are so I can't answer that question.
  • LuckysGurl
    LuckysGurl Posts: 8 Member
    I had mine syncing to MFP for a while, but wasn't happy with the accuracy (duplication and/or missing workouts), so I actually went back to entering by hand. I also don't always eat my exercise calories back, so this gives me the freedom to leave them out of the picture if I need to, or wait and enter at the end of the day.
  • GettinItMommy
    GettinItMommy Posts: 20 Member
    I hate when it auto corrects words!! I did not mean tartars!! I simply just meant calories versus move goal on the watch.
  • jessgetsatit
    jessgetsatit Posts: 5 Member
    I am playing around with this right now. The move goal uses the extra calories burned from movement. The total cals under your move goal is the number of calories you have burned in total for the day.

    So if you sit around all day, your move calorie ring won't move much. If you move a LOT, your move calorie ring will. I always close my move ring on days I exercise.

    Right now I am looking at my total calories a day and comparing to my food tracker. So far, I seem to maintain even though my intake is less. Must mean I am not tracking correctly.
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    Hi!! For those of you who use them and track your Tatar’s on here how do you do it? Is it just “move” for calories? Or does the move goal have nothing to do with calories burned? Please help thanks in advance!

    The correct effect would be taking what Apple estimates you burned for the whole day - subtract your 250, 500 ect deficit for fat loss, and make that your eating goal.

    Other trackers send to MFP the correct info for MFP to correct itself and do exactly that - give you an eating goal your deficit below what you burned.

    Apple does not send the correct info to MFP.
    You get no credit for movement above sedentary that is not exercise, and you get no credit for exercise.

    So you are back at base calorie burn based on selecting Sedentary activity level.
    Except your workouts do show up on your feed to friends even if they don't count for calories.

    Base, move, exercise - all are part of daily calorie burn.

    Many people have more move calories than exercise calories - so it can big time count.

    And then some of us are less than sedentary outside of exercise, so not so much.

    If you do want to sync you need to use Pacer in the MFP apps list as intermediary - it pulls the info from Apple health - and sends the correct figures to MFP to do math with.

    Or you can keep a running total of say 3 weeks of average daily burn, subtract say 500 or whatever deficit is reasonable for amount to lose - and manually create your eating goal. Adjust as needed.

    Depends if you want same eating goal every day and your weekly schedule and activity are about the same, or you want to eat different amounts daily depending on what you do.