Baby Steps - 8 Days In



  • callsitlikeiseeit
    callsitlikeiseeit Posts: 8,627 Member
    msalicia07 wrote: »
    I do needlepoint or other crafty hobby activities while I sit in the evening.

    Every little bit of movement helps and busy hands don’t stuff faces.

    And before someone says “women’s work”, I’ve known several men who did needlepoint, including an ER doctor who did it for R&R.

    Also, I’ve gotten in the very enjoyable habit of going for a 45 minute walk with my husband every evening. Sure, the calories are nice, but the companionship is even better. It’s our time to share, before we split up and he watches war movies and politics and I watch anything but that.

    It’s 2020. Nobody should be saying “women’s work”. Just like “starvation mode”- it’s not a thing.

    Nobody SHOULD be, but just yesterday I read about someone (a woman too!) saying that men were incapable of performing simple tasks like washing a dish or doing a load of laundry, so unfortunately it looks like we're still dealing with that kind of mindset.

    Guess my husband didnt get that memo. He cooks, cleans, does laundry .... and puts in 12 hours days as a foreman on a microsoft data site. I'll have to let him know he's failing at being a man LOLOLOL
  • NovusDies
    NovusDies Posts: 8,940 Member
    msalicia07 wrote: »
    I do needlepoint or other crafty hobby activities while I sit in the evening.

    Every little bit of movement helps and busy hands don’t stuff faces.

    And before someone says “women’s work”, I’ve known several men who did needlepoint, including an ER doctor who did it for R&R.

    Also, I’ve gotten in the very enjoyable habit of going for a 45 minute walk with my husband every evening. Sure, the calories are nice, but the companionship is even better. It’s our time to share, before we split up and he watches war movies and politics and I watch anything but that.

    It’s 2020. Nobody should be saying “women’s work”. Just like “starvation mode”- it’s not a thing.

    Nobody SHOULD be, but just yesterday I read about someone (a woman too!) saying that men were incapable of performing simple tasks like washing a dish or doing a load of laundry, so unfortunately it looks like we're still dealing with that kind of mindset.

    I am always telling my wife she shouldn't try to wash the dishes or do laundry because that is man's work.

    One of my favorite stories is of a man who for years insisted on strict traditional gender roles in his house. Any type of housework was for her to do. She had an accident and was out of commission for a couple of months. He had to step up to do the chores in addition to being her nurse. He came to realize that his male parts did not fall off AND he actually liked doing those kinds of things. He continues to help do them years later.
  • Ddsb11
    Ddsb11 Posts: 607 Member
    How did people disagree with what I wrote? Just wow. Is sexism reflected in this forum? I’ve never really noticed it much before I have to admit. Yikes
  • Ddsb11
    Ddsb11 Posts: 607 Member
    msalicia07 wrote: »
    I do needlepoint or other crafty hobby activities while I sit in the evening.

    Every little bit of movement helps and busy hands don’t stuff faces.

    And before someone says “women’s work”, I’ve known several men who did needlepoint, including an ER doctor who did it for R&R.

    Also, I’ve gotten in the very enjoyable habit of going for a 45 minute walk with my husband every evening. Sure, the calories are nice, but the companionship is even better. It’s our time to share, before we split up and he watches war movies and politics and I watch anything but that.

    It’s 2020. Nobody should be saying “women’s work”. Just like “starvation mode”- it’s not a thing.

    Nobody SHOULD be, but just yesterday I read about someone (a woman too!) saying that men were incapable of performing simple tasks like washing a dish or doing a load of laundry, so unfortunately it looks like we're still dealing with that kind of mindset.

    That’s true it does swing both ways. Super toxic either way one looks at it. Best to refrain from stereotypes in general. Not a positive or unifying way to exist in this world.