I dont understand why I need to eat 1200 calories when Im fi



  • LastFighter
    LastFighter Posts: 175 Member
    900 cals is a meal not a day to me lol
  • SHBoss1673
    SHBoss1673 Posts: 7,161 Member
    I see by your post that you are fairly new to the MFP forum. You are losing now, but it may not continue. And if it does, good for you, but what about when you want to stop losing and start maintaining? If your metabolism is so slow, you will gain weight like crazy on a small amount of calories.

    If you have web sites about the nutritionists, please post them so we can review them. Otherwise, everything I have found to read suggests that starvation mode is real. It may not happen instantly, or may not be apparent until you want to increase your calorie count again, but it does happen.

    It's all about the makeup of the calories rather than the calories themselves. The only way you can know what's right for your body and your metabolism is to go to a specialist, get your blood drawn and do specific tests.

    I don't necessarily agree with this. That is one way to do it. But doing a little bit of qualitative analysis on your own can be just as effective, and not as expensive in many cases. This may take a little more patience, and a lot more thought, but it can be done with out the aid of labs and blood tests. I also disagree with it being all about the makeup. The amount of calories is just as important as the quality of them. Put it this way, you can eat the healthiest food in the world, but if you eat 5000 calories of it a day and your maintenance is only 2650, you're going to gain weight, and it will be fat. They both play a vital roll.
  • bellanean
    bellanean Posts: 220
    Hey guys,

    Im trying to stick to 900 calories a day (which Im finding hard to reach anyway) and everybody keeps telling me I need to be on at least 1200. So I was going to up my calorie intake but then I was talking to my friend and she said how can I lose more weight eating 1200 than 900.

    To be honest Im thinking the same as her.

    Can somebody explain it me please. Im not trying to starve myself or crash diet, but I just dont understand whats wrong with eating 900 calories a day!

    Thank you

    Didnt this get explained to you yesterday? If you want to starve your self, stop losing weight eventually, and be unhealthy then go for it. Apparently you dont WANT to take anything anyone has to say to heart so just eat the way you are and see where it gets you :-) GOOD LUCK!
  • jrich1
    jrich1 Posts: 2,408 Member
    Someone a couple days ago put it like this, below 1200 cals a day your body thinks you move the Somalia and will grab and store any nurtrition it receives as FAT because it doesnt think its getting any food anytime soon, if you eat a heathy amount your body runs normally, gets its nourishment and then burns off excess cals and turns into weight loss.

    I personally along with my wife have had personally better weight loss results eating closer to our target cals on MFP then eating less, we have lost combined 107lbs, so I feel confident this is correct