How often do you need new clothes?

For those losing/lost 100+lbs, how often have you had to buy new clothes?


  • At my heaviest, I always kept 2 - 3 sizes of clothes in my closet because my weight fluctuated so much, diet to diet, so I didn't have to shop too much at first. Once those clothes became too big, I started buying a few pieces, but not many, as my goal was always to lose more weight. I just wanted enough clothes to tide me by, and I didn't mind wearing the next size larger that I already owned because in my mind it was temporary until I hit goal weight. After I'd lost a significant amount of weight though, like 50 - 60 lbs, I really started filling up my wardrobe with new outfits, to celebrate my new look and new body. This really helped with keeping the weight off (who wants to regain when you have all those pretty clothes to wear?). When I hit 70 lbs lost, I maintained for a few months, in order to enjoy my new clothes (and buy some more). Now that Fall is coming and I need clothes to match the weather, I've started working on losing the next few pounds I need to and I plan to buy a few items at a time, hoping to wear some of my summer clothes under jackets and sweaters to get the most out of my clothing budget until it's time to buy another full wardrobe for a hopefully smaller me.

    How often you buy clothes will all depend on how quickly you lose the weight, what you can work with already in your closet (especially if you can get anything tailored), and how much you need the motivation of a new, smaller size outfit to keep you on track.

    Good luck!