Macro and Calorie Setting — Please help

Hi Everyone,

I am trying to set up my profile. I want to set up my macros as 120g of protein, 50g fat, 150g carb... by my calculation of 1g Protein = 4 calories, 1g fat = 4 cal and, 1g of carb = 9cal... then my daily calories should add up to 2030

However, MFP is saying it's 1500... why? how can I change this? Been tinkering around for hours now.. please help. ooawsj9fjgun.png


  • harper16
    harper16 Posts: 2,564 Member
    edited September 2020
    I agree with the calculation mfp set at 1530.

    120*4= 480
    Total= 1530

    Carbs and protein are both 1 g 4 calories each. Fat is 1 g 9 calories.
  • Lietchi
    Lietchi Posts: 6,335 Member
    edited September 2020
    As has been said above: carbs are 4kcal/g and fat 9kcal/g, you inverted these in your post.