What exercise can I count?

Hi, I am new to My Fitness Pal - I fell across it looking at the free apps for my iPhone - but it looks as if it's what I need. I did do weight watchers on line for a while and lost some weight, and then found it again and DH moaned about paying for something that wasn't working. When it just comes out of your bank account it doesn't feel the same as paying real money!

Anyway, when I signed up I was asked about *exercise*, and as I couldn't fulfil the criteria of gym type exercise I said "none". There are no options for normal everyday doing things exercise like dog walking and working on my very large allotment. I ticked the (I think) second box for how much I move around as I am an adult ed teacher so when I am teaching I am on my feet, but it is very part-time, as when I walk the dog and garden.

I was in a car crash 20 years ago and I have one hip and ankle with limited movement, both knees are temperamental and I also have some lower back, shoulder and elbow problems. So most gym exercise isn't practical, my walking is OK but not fast enough to make me puff except uphill, but then my knees don't like going downhill again, and my allotment digging is restricted to short sessions until my back complains. Weeding etc has to be done sitting down on a garden kneeling stool, as I can't squat or kneel, but I do sort of push ups on the side bars of the seat to get up again, but very carefully so I don't aggravate my shoulders.

I am reasonably active, but the tick boxes for exercise which is measurable, which is not the sort of exercise I am able to do.

Do I just take the attitude that if I stick to my basic 1200ish calorie allowance, I will (hopefully) lose weight quicker than if I had extra exercise calories allocated to me? Or is there some way to fill in the boxes for those days when I have been extra busy?


  • sharonuk10
    sharonuk10 Posts: 277
    I am suggesting a Heart Rate Monitor. I have a polar FT7. It does cost but worth the expense in my opinion. I wore it one day whilst I did a bit of cleaning and laundry. 60 minutes worth and burn 229 calories. I also use it for walking and do get a good calorie burn even at low intensity.

    There is a cleaning and walking in the database which will help give you some idea of what you burn though will not be accurate.

    Edited to add:

    Please know that I have my activity as sedentary. So if you have put in you are active then it already counts this toward your calorie goal.
  • laceandbits
    Thanks for that, I hadn't found any but measurable gym type activities yet. It takes a while to find the way round a new website.

    I didn't put in for the most sedentary category, but the next. So maybe that will be about right for what I do anyway.

    I'll look at a HRM, that's a good idea.
  • mollybeslimmer
    mollybeslimmer Posts: 215 Member
    I have found that hard at first too.
    Then found several sites that take my weight and the activity and calories burned and then I just add in my exercise data.
    Am limited as well and any extra movement means pain-hips,knees back..etc.
    Research ....cuz knowledge is power.

    Hang in there.
  • Lisa0711
    Lisa0711 Posts: 1,405 Member
    Are you asking if you can input other exercises that better describe what you're doing? The ones you set when you first make an account (sedentary, lightly active, etc) are just the ones that describe your day to day activities. When you go walking, gardening, or anything else you may want to put in as a workout, you can just go to the 'exercise' tab and type in the activity in the database. There are many things already listed, or you can list your own and add in the calorie burn. MFP will calculate calories burned by the factors you put in such as age, weight and height for the ones already in the database. It's usually pretty accurate with my HRM, but for some people MFP's calculations are a little on the high side. Hope that helped!

    Welcome to the site and I hope you enjoy it!!
  • akaDumbo
    akaDumbo Posts: 187
    Thanks for that, I hadn't found any but measurable gym type activities yet. It takes a while to find the way round a new website.

    If you click the exercise tab at top of the page it will take you to your diary. Click "add exercise" under Cardiovascular then enter the activity in the search box eg. gardening. Enter how many minutes and it will tell you how many calories you burned and will add them to your daily total. If you cant find the activity you want in the search click the database link under the exercise tab then pick the nearest activity from the drop down list so you will know what to search for.

    I know it sounds complicated but its not really and when you have added an activity once it will automatically will appear on your exercise diary page making it much simpler to add it in future.

    I have only been using this site a week but I am already finding it easy to navigate. There are always plenty of people around to answer questions and offer advice.

    p.s. I have sent you a friend request
  • MsElphaba
    MsElphaba Posts: 432 Member
    Just remember, this isn't the type of program where you list everything you do all day long. When you checked your activity level, MFP took into account a calorie burn for those activities and used it to calculate your daily calorie intake. What you need to log in is everything beyond that. There are people on MFP who lose weight just by watching their diet w/o exercises.

    That said. Have you looked into working out with resistance bands? My son was in an accident in March and has very limited use of his right leg. His physical therapist has him doing arm exercises with bands. He also has him doing let exercises with the support of his walker; I'm sure you could use a chair as well. Maybe ask your doctor for some suggestions as well. How about taking the dogs for an extra walk? Good for you and them!

    Best of luck. You found a great place!

  • 1Steph1
    1Steph1 Posts: 145
    Sounds like yoru pretty limited to what you can do. Have you considered swimming? Or one of those exercise classes in a pool? They are supposed to be pretty easy on your joints while still providing a good workout :)