Hello! Looking for motivation and positivity!

young_hug Posts: 3 Member
edited September 2020 in Introduce Yourself
Hey folks, I'm Des.
Just your average 26-yr-old nonbinary person from NYC. COVID-19 has been really tough for me, Ive stopped exercising because I no longer have to walk to the train for work and it still feels scary to go outside and exercise (let alone go to the gym). I've gained a lot of weight and I feel really horrible about myself.

I suffered from an eating disorder in high school and find a lot of triggers in tracking both my weight and eating habits. I'm hoping to find some support and motivation in this community and hopefully get back to feeling good about myself and my body.

I also got engaged to my partner at the beginning of this year, hoping to get healthy so I can support my future family for a long long time. Also wouldn't hurt to look great at our wedding, those pictures last a lifetime and then some!

Thanks for reading (0: