Weight gain after hysterectomy



  • danielle0400
    danielle0400 Posts: 47 Member
    Fuzzipeg wrote: »
    I'm appalled that the dr only did your tsh, tsh tells you so darn little, you needed a full thyroid panel. t4, t3 reverse t3 and more, sometimes t3 gets made the wrong way round so does not fit the cells, so t3 the essential form can be negligible because of the reverse, its complicated. Possibly you could do with a full hormone profile too

    Looks like those came back normal as well. I am waiting to hear back for the next step. We did talk about metformin because I do have PCOS and it could be some insulin resistance still happening. I have gotten even more strict with my food and drinks, added more cardio and the scale is still going up. I am starting to lose it- I don't want to buy new clothes.

    We did talk about seeing a hormone specialist, I was just hoping it wouldn't come down to being needed.