Where to begin.

I cannot eat eggs and nearly every diet I try relies on a lot of egg recipes.
So looking for inspiration.


  • nanastaci2020
    nanastaci2020 Posts: 1,072 Member
    You don't have to follow any particular diet.

    Where to start? By keeping track of everything you eat, drink.

    From there, look at your notes/log and think about what you can do differently. Where you can eat smaller portions. Where you can substitute things. Once upon a time I was in the habit of having mayo & mustard on just about any meat/cheese type sandwich. I dropped the mayo to get rid of those calories. That does not mean you can't have mayo. You could have less of it, or switch to lite mayo. I will occasionally have light mayo on a BLT. Just examples.

    Some ideas:

    Swap out calorie heavy beverages for lower cal/0 cal alternatives and/or drink water instead
    Eat less fried food, more grilled/baked
    Use 1-2% dairy instead of full fat
    Have smaller portions of calorie dense items like potatoes, rice
    Have larger portions of lower calorie items like vegetables

    Remember, this is a process and not a quick cure. Its not something to do for a week or two. Instead look for things you can change in ways that you can do long term. There are no foods off limit, unless you choose them to be. If you're allergic or don't like something: don't have it. But otherwise, it is more a matter of how much to have.
  • Dogmom1978
    Dogmom1978 Posts: 1,580 Member
    Ditto to all of the above. Eat what you normally eat, simply eat less of it, weigh it and log it, eat in a calorie deficit and BAM you’ll lose weight.
  • gewel321
    gewel321 Posts: 718 Member
    You hate eggs. I hate vegetables. How hard is it to loose weight by not eating hardly any vegetables? Not hard at all. I eat what I want. I haven't changed much of the type of food just quantities. As everyone says input your food in and decide where the hidden calories are. See what YOU can change that will work for you. Drastic changes are not sustainable in the long run and that's what we are all going for. There is no point to spend all this time and energy to loose weight only to gain it all back because I licked a roll!
  • asthesoapturns
    asthesoapturns Posts: 313 Member
    Don't go on a diet. Change your lifestyle, a permanent change. Cook what you like, maybe tweak it for some healthier edits, and consume reasonable portions. Nothing remarkable at all really.
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 33,837 Member
    You could try this one:


    There are ZERO eggs needed. Unless someone likes eggs, and wants to eat 6 of them every day. Then that eating plan will recommend 6 eggs exactly . . . 😉😆
  • 1poundatax
    1poundatax Posts: 231 Member
    I agree with previous posters. Don't follow a "diet." What do you like to eat? Are their healthier ways to prepare it? There are a lot of websites that provide healthy recipes using real food. Eat what you like, weigh or measure it and log it.

    For breakfast I eat yogurt and a multigrain frozen waffle, or- oatmeal made in a variety of ways. Sometimes it is fruit and a cheese stick. The important thing is that you don't look at this as a diet but as a life style change. For me if I don't eat the foods I really like I quit rather quickly. This is a forever change.