Shoe Recommendations

Can anyone recommend a athletic shoe company that is not associated with sweatshops and other cruelties? I have some vegan resources but they aren't necessarily running/cross training designs. Thanks all!


  • BrianSharpe
    BrianSharpe Posts: 9,248 Member
    New Balance still makes some of their shoes in the US (I can't vouch for the working conditions.....they might just be domestic sweat shops). Being an ethical consumer is becoming more and more difficult.
  • Cherimoose
    Cherimoose Posts: 5,208 Member
    Most shoes are made in Asia by poor people of legal working age. The work is hard, by spoiled-American standards, but it's rarely "cruel" nowadays. By buying Asian-made shoes, you are providing income for underprivileged people who might otherwise starve to death, since jobs are scarce there. Chances are, you'll break more of a sweat wearing the shoes than the workers did to make them.

    With that said.. for running, i like Merrell's barefoot shoes, and for weights, skateboard-type shoes or Converse. Most of them are Asian-made.
  • Kanuenue
    Kanuenue Posts: 253 Member
    I appreciate the shoe recommendation input, that's helpful, thanks.

    Unfortunately, I can hardly agree that the conditions are not that bad. This year alone there have been at least two factories collapsing, killing hundreds of workers. One of them was due to too much equipment in a substandard building so they could pump out more product.

    I love supporting free working people internationally & domestically, but it is really is hard to be an ethical consumer when the companies themselves are not.