exercise advice needed!

need your suggestions good people. I find it really hard to exercise so here are all the reasons/ excuses I use :wink:
I have to be very careful with my back as I slipped a disc and trapped a nerve years ago: I didn't walk for a year and always scared it will happen again.
I have a problem with my left foot ( won't bore you with gross details but it hurts. a lot, all the time. Tried barefoot trainers, MBTs...the lot, the only thing I can wear is fitflops and I love them, but not sure how I'd exercise in them.
I get up early (6am), and spend 11 hours a day looking after 11 month old twins: this is the FIRST time in 6 months, they've slept at the same time (!!!) so rarely get a break. They're both crawling, and live in a flat, no garden or lift so everytime I take them out, it means putiing one in a sling, lifting the other and carrying them both up and down stairs. They live in quite a hilly area and I probably walk 2/3 hours a day pushing the buggy around.
By the time I get home (around 8pm), I'm generally exhausted. I've bought a few dvds in the past (who hasn't?) but now I have a really small bedroom so any workouts would have to be done in the lounge under the amused eye of my gorgeous size 8 flatmate:sad:
so lame, but heartfelt excuses aside, any suggestions? I've been reading about the shred on here which sounded like it might be a good plan, but on reading reviews/advice it said anyone with back trouble should avoid it.
At the moment all I do is walk part of the way home (all the way would take about 2 and half hours!) which takes about 45 mins and I walk quite fast but I don't honestly think that does much.
I've joined gyms countless times but always just feel way too self conscious to go: that fear of being the fat, sweaty person doing everything wrong :blushing:
over to you good people.


  • sweetbn
    sweetbn Posts: 318
    Does your roommate exercise? If so you could always try to go with her or do it at the same time, that way you are holding yourself accountable. If not, maybe ask her to! There are more benefits to exercise then losing weight so maybe she would be interested in doing it with you in the living room.

    Sounds like a busy day with the kids! At least you are getting active in some way already. Maybe you could try to powerwalk or lightly jog with the stroller while you're already down the stairs/outside. This will help pick up your heart rate a little and burn some calories!

    As far as the foot and back issues, have you tried a lower impact workout, or maybe swimming? No shoes needed there. :) Or maybe a Wii with some Wii Games I usually don't wear shoes with mine. Or, next time you are at the doctor, ask what he recommends!
  • glfprncs2
    glfprncs2 Posts: 625 Member
    Don't discount that 45 minute walk!! I burn, on average, a good 100+ calories for every 15 minutes that I walk my dogs. Make sure you're pushing yourself to walk at truly a brisk pace and if you've got any hills en route, add those in. They're great but busters!

    On weekends, if you have time (and a stroller), take the kids on the walk. Pushing their weight will be an even better workout.
  • pinkandloopy
    thanks ladies: my super fit/ skinny flatmate cycles to work and back, roller blades ( about 100ks a week) and goes to the gym almost daily....but she spends 8 hrs at a desk and has time to do all that and get home from work and eat dinner all before i leave work.
    I'm still tempted by the 30 day shred...trying to temp roomie to join in as we speak :smile: