

  • globalc00
    globalc00 Posts: 103 Member
    I saw a youtube video where it said setting very small mini goals will help you achieve your bigger long term goals. For example, for exercise, set a mini goal to do just say 2 minute of cardio every day, instead of setting a goal of 30 minutes of cardio every day. The idea is, most of the time, getting started is the hardest part. So 30 minutes may seem like a long time and it's easy to make an excuse to not do it. However, 2 minute is so short and achievable in people mind, they are more likely to do it. Also part of the reason there are so many "10 minute works to get abs" type of videos.

    The theory is once you get started, you are more likely to continue and do the full 30 minutes workout.
    This philosophy did help me get though some days where I didn't feel like working out. For me, it was "I'll just do 1 set or warm up today." Once I started, and endorphins kicked in, I always finished my workout. Maybe this will work for you too.
  • Onedaywriter
    Onedaywriter Posts: 326 Member
    If you’re goal oriented-maybe try lots of goals- big and small!! Sounds like you have a big one already.

    Maybe focus on some process goals. E.g. I will only eat X once a week or I will eat 5 servings of vegetables per day or whatever is important to you.

    What worked for me- set my big goal at first to be in the “healthy” BMI range. But my intermediate goal was sort of jokingly to be “overweight.” I promised myself some (well really lots of) fried chicken when I was simply “overweight.” When I got there I didn’t even want it!

    To get there some process goals helped e.g I will only eat chips once a week and never more than 2 oz. and I will workout at least 3 hours per week for three months. Later it was- I will only exceed my daily calories once per week and never by more than leftover calories from the previous 6 days. Recently I added that I will get 70,000 steps per week in addition to working out 5 hours minimum.

    I also have some physical goals around weightlifting, exercise and running. These help too. Especially since one of the exercise ones focuses on pull-ups which are way easier when you’re lighter.

    For goal-oriented folks- goals help!!
  • sgt1372
    sgt1372 Posts: 3,990 Member
    edited October 2020
    When I face a complex or seemingly daunting task, whether it's losing wt or cleaning my house, I break it down into smaller parts that I can achieve and that when combined over time will lead to the achievement of the greater goal.