Losing weight fast

I'm not complaining or anything but I have lost 4 pounds in 9 days by simply counting calories. Did any one else lose this fast when they started?


  • Serah87
    Serah87 Posts: 5,481 Member
    I'm not complaining or anything but I have lost 4 pounds in 9 days by simply counting calories. Did any one else lose this fast when they started?

    Probably water weight.
  • grimendale
    grimendale Posts: 2,153 Member
    Agreed. When you first start, you burn through your glycogen stores. Glycogen is bonded to water, so you drop a lot of water weight. Pretty much everyone gets a larger drop at the beginning, and when you go back to eating at maintenance, the water weight comes back as your stores replenish. It's normal, but it will slow down soon. Don't let it worry you.
  • I'm not complaining or anything but I have lost 4 pounds in 9 days by simply counting calories. Did any one else lose this fast when they started?

    Probably water weight.

  • joshdann
    joshdann Posts: 618 Member
    could be water weight, true. could also be fat. could also be a combination of fat and muscle. If you're not exercising, it's likely a combination of all three.

    Keep yourself hydrated to avoid the water weight fluctuations. 4 pounds in 9 days might feel great now, but a week of 0-1 pounds lost while your body rehydrates (or worse, stays dehydrated) won't feel as good
  • Even if I keep hydrated? I thought I was drinking plenty of water. So I guess the answer to my question was yes that you all lost weight fast in the beginning to and it turned out to be water?
  • joshdann
    joshdann Posts: 618 Member
    it's not quite as straightforward as that, but a *lot* of people experience a big drop in the beginning. Even staying hydrated. You have have simply been *over* hydrated and are now getting back into a more normal state. It really could be a lot of things.

    Dont' worry about it, and enjoy the jumpstart :)
  • xhereinmyheadx
    xhereinmyheadx Posts: 39 Member
    That happens to me every time I start counting calories and exercising again. Like 5 pounds the first week, and then dwindles down to 0.5 to 1 or two a week. I guess it's also motivating to see that much weight drop right away, too.