Binge eating

I had been restricting calories for about 2 months and I had lost around 10kg in total but out of nowhere my willpower disappeared and I have now been binge eating for the past 10 days. I have eaten around 2000 calories over my maintenance so I have been eating 4000-5000 calories Everyday and it seems like I have lost control of myself. Please help me and tell me how I can stop binge eating and how I can lose the weight I just gained in a healthy way.


  • Diatonic12
    Diatonic12 Posts: 32,344 Member
    Doing what we've always done will get us what we've always gotten.

    All or Nothing thinking about food. We rarely get all but mostly nothing with this approach. How long have you been on this merry-go-round. These things don't develop in a couple of months of time and it's going to take more than a couple of months to turn this ship around. It might take you 2-5 years so just know that going in.

    This isn't about willpower or motivation because those are limited resources. Those are based out of emotions and as you've found out using emotions to claw your way back to the top of the mountain wears you out. It doesn't last.

    There's only choices and consequences. This is going to require due diligence and rational thinking to climb your way out of binge eating. Binge eating usually begins earlier in life around the age of 18-25 years of age. If you're in that number the sooner you can get a grip on this the better off you'll be. You don't want to fight this for the rest of your life.

    No one here can give you a medical diagnosis. I suggest sitting down with someone face-to-face. This is about skills. It's not about dieting or trying to outexercise it. You need tools.

    You're fighting a battle within yourself. Those who live by impulse, eat by impulse. This affects every area of your life and it's not limited only to food. In a nutshell without the whole bushel it's about immediate gratification. All or Nothing. It's complex but it's serious business.

    All or Nothing can also stem out of perfectionism. Clean Eating fits right in with that scenario.
    Flip the Switch. You're going to have to learn how to Urge Surf. Surf the waves of impulsive, compulsive, emotional eating. This takes practice and focus. You'll have to engage your head in every step of the process.

    I used to fly by the seat of my pants but that got me nowhere good. It only digs you into a much deeper hole with food. You need tools. You'll have to sit with and gut out these impulses. Immediate gratification is a master controller. It's a driver. It drive, drive, drives you right into the ground.

    Start with one meal at a time. On a one meal at a time daily basis you can find your pathway to overall health and wellbeing. It takes focus and consistency.

    The main thing. Don't start over and over and over again. You've got to get off of the merry-go-round of eating all of the things and then overcompensating with a brutally strict eating protocol. It's a temporary bandaid. Each meal is your brand new beginning. Your new slate. Each meal is your opportunity not to be perfect but to be good enough. Your good enough is enough.

    Dust yourself back off. Sit with your next meal. Weigh and measure your portions. Sit with it. Engage your head and really think about what you're doing. Think about the long term consequences of binge eating. Binge eating and diabetes go hand in hand. Binge eating is the precursor of diabetes on down the road. You don't want that.
    Think about your pancreas and what you're putting it through. That internal organ is going to help you for the rest of your life if you'll work with it and take good care of it. Your pancreas carries you all of the way home.