Starting again post stroke

hnyzthms Posts: 393 Member
Hi all I've been off mfp a while. End of may i had a stroke age 39..luckly not big and i am back walking though slow.
My cholesterol was normal but bp not i need to lose 1.5 stone never sounds much but now cant exercise like i used a nightmare.
Any tips im grateful


  • Snugbug6
    Snugbug6 Posts: 30 Member
    What about riding a trike?
  • slw37
    slw37 Posts: 89 Member
    Sorry to hear about the stroke. Remember that exercise is not necessary in weight loss. Simply eat fewer calories than necessary to maintain your weight. Use the MFP calculator to determine those numbers and start tracking. Good luck to you.
  • Snugbug6
    Snugbug6 Posts: 30 Member

    Resistance bands can be used seated, and you can get cycle peddles that you can use in your armchair, if movement is restricted.

    Have you asked a physiotherapist?