Over this.

slove2718 Posts: 11 Member
edited October 2020 in Health and Weight Loss
Hi all. I hope this is okay to address here. Over the past year or so I have been struggling with binge-eating, hard. I have a previous history of being extremely health conscious, and tracked macros, engaged in restrictive eating habits, and pushed my body way too far physically. When I decided to re-introduce some of what had become my "fear foods", the binging took off. Slowly at first, to now occurring several times during the week. Add on the fact that I am trying to work out a previous knee injury, which has limited my physical activity to primarily walking. I am not comfortable physically or mentally in my own body now (I've gained probably 10-15 lbs during this time, even though it was necessary to gain some weight), and realize I have a true problem. I have tried a few online support groups (online because of Covid), and reached out to multiple mental health providers, all who have told me that they are not accepting new clients at this time...I don't want to go to the gym because of growing cases of Covid in my area, and working in healthcare I can't risk an exposure. I have no motivation to work out at home, as I always enjoyed the company of others in group classes, and find myself becoming more and more controlled by my food-obsessive thoughts and schedule (slight touch of OCD when it comes to scheduling anything really). I don't want to start tracking macros again because I believe it contributed to the problem in the first place, and even when I try to keep my trigger foods out of the house, the eating disorder always finds something new to indulge in. I know I am not the only one struggling, especially during this challenging time in our world, and I am trying to keep positive and stay kind to myself, but it is hard. For anyone else struggling, my heart goes out to you <3 I would love to connect with others to support each other and have someone holding me a bit more accountable. I hope to hear from you.


  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 27,988 Member
    I feel you!

    I've been struggling a lot since March, started CBT in April, didn't find it especially helpful, and was glad when my provider, who was an intern, ended her program and moved on. I have someone a lot more qualified now. She started with CBT, and quickly realized I needed therapy therapy, lol. So while we are making more progress, it is also a lot more painful, which affects my sleep, which makes everything more difficult.

    I have knee issues too :(

    When I was trapped indoors by the summer heat and maxed out on the weight lifting and yoga I could do, but still wanted more movement, I turned to deep cleaning. Yuck, but I set the timer for 30 minutes, cranked up the tunes, and went at it.

    We are anticipating a move in the next year or two and lately I have been purging the attic. Also (mostly) joyless, but with both activities I would feel a deep sense of accomplishment when done for the day.

    You are welcome to friend me, but be advised that I am a terrible "feed friend." I do interact a lot here, and via email.
  • Jacq_qui
    Jacq_qui Posts: 430 Member
    Sent you a friend request :)
  • happyness4me
    happyness4me Posts: 58 Member
    I'm feeling much the same way. FR sent