How should I improve?

So I reached my goal weight through diet (I try to eat healthy all week then have one cheat day) and exercise. Now that I've reached my goal (119-123lbs at 5'6) but honestly I'm still not pleased with my results. Just wondering how I should proceed? I tried Jillian michaels but couldn't make myself do it every day for 30 days (I work at a mill and it's exhausting so often I didn't have enough energy to do it).

Will building muscle give me a more fit look? I feel like I still look chubby :(


  • Sjenny5891
    Sjenny5891 Posts: 717 Member
    After 6 kids and two c-sections, I finally lost all my baby weight, but have that flab even though I now weigh 115.
    I started doing Zumba twice a week, but I don't see the same results as I did just walking or using the elliptical every day.