probably the stupidest question i will ask....low glycemic

So I was looking for some new snacks....when I am not in the mood for yogurt or fruit I tend to eat the 90 calorie lemon bars by fiber one....anyways a friend suggested the Atkins bars because she said they taste really indulgent but low on carbs...mind you I am not following a low carb diet. So I looked at the bars at walmart and I noticed the one I was eying was almost 160 calories but 15 grams of fat....10 grams of crabs....I almost think I am better sticking with the fiber one at 90 calories 5 fat and 20 carbs....opinions?1?1?


  • healthygreek
    healthygreek Posts: 2,137 Member
    How about a spoonful of natural peanut butter on a sliced banana or apple or
    a hard boiled egg?