Feeling pretty discouraged today.

Flippy44 Posts: 77
edited September 21 in Motivation and Support
I'm having a bummed out day today. I've been inside my cals everyday but once since I started MFP a few weeks ago. I also started the 30 Day Shred two nights ago. Jillian claims you can lose "up to" 20lbs in a month (yes I know that means one person somewhere on some planet once lost 20lbs) but it gave me something to strive for. I am the girl that HATES exercise. I just do - always have. But even though this is the hardest workout I've ever done - even though I felt like I was going to vomit after day one - even though I've never stuck with something - even though I'm pretty beat by the time I make dinner, clean up after, get the two kids to bed (3 year old, 3 month old), do laundry, etc - I STILL got off my butt last night and sore as I was went for day two.

I got on the scale today after two nights of Shred and I'm down 0.1lbs. ONE TENTH of a pound. :sad: I'm so frustrated. This is the heaviest I've ever been, any more weight and I'm going to have to buy a new wardrobe. As it is all my adorable clothes no longer fit and I'm squeezing myself into what USED to be my "fat" clothes. I just don't know what else I can DO to get better results. :grumble:

Anyway - thanks for letting me vent everyone!!!!


  • Alita2011
    Alita2011 Posts: 265 Member
    Don't get discouraged. I don't think you can find many people that lost the 20 pounds with The Shred DVD. Maybe you should incorporate some extra cardio. I will also like to add that I generally don't see a change in weight after doing things different for about two weeks.
  • Don't let it get you down!!! The fact that you are making the effort to do the work out after a long day is so wonderful!!! You're making a change for the better. Maybe you should kind of think about it like your body coming out of a coma. It isn't going to jump up and react immediately. It's going to take a little while then all of a sudden you're going to start seeing great results! Just stick with it! You're doing so great!!!
  • MarieS1967
    MarieS1967 Posts: 37 Member
    It's frustrating - you have 15 lbs to go - maybe you have hit a plateau. Keep doing your workout and making healthy choices. Maybe you need to take a day or two off and do some light exercise - like taking a long. moderate paced walk. Try splitting your work out up ( not easy with 2 young children) but even just 15 minutes in the morning and 15 to 30 in the evening.

    I have seen other people write about increasing their calories for a few days - like say they 1200 increasing to 1500 - healthy choices of course. Look it up on the FP and see if you can get some info on it.

    Good luck and don't lose focus or willpower. You are a beautiful mom with healthy children (a baby 3 months) your body needs time to recouperate. Take care and good luck!
  • ljones01
    ljones01 Posts: 13 Member
    A favorite phrase of mine is "suit up and show up" as long as you continue to do that - you WILL succeed. Keep up the good work!!!
  • rmeenen
    rmeenen Posts: 23
    Don't get down...keep going!!! Maybe try measuring yoursefl too and not just weight based. I have seen a lot of people say they didnt lose weight with the shred but lost several inches. And its only been 2 days of working out, dont give up! I'm a day ahead of you on the shred and I am struggling too because I havent seen a weight loss yet. I agree with maybe trying to add more cardio if possible....sounds like you are very busy but don't give up. It will be well worth it in the end!

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Weight Loss Tools
  • ladybug1620
    ladybug1620 Posts: 1,136 Member
    Do not be discouraged over this! I don't think ANY program will show results after just two days. You need to give it time, it will pay off if you continue to work out and eat right.
  • I am surprised by your results. If you are the girl who hates to work out, then I assume you don't work out that often, or at all. However, the reason I'm surprised may not be what you think. I am in fact surprised you haven't gained MORE weight. When you being a work out regiment your muscles begin to absorb more water and nutrients for recovery. As your muscles build they gain weight. Over the next few weeks (if you stick with it, and I really hope you do) you will gain muscle and weight. But since you are gaining weight your body will burn more calories and burn more fat. Eventually you'll start burning more fat than muscle you are putting on and your scale will start to reflect the fat loss.

    Something that you need to do, and alot of people on this site and everywhere, is separate the number on the scale from the illusion of what makes you fat and skinny. Losing weight is a means to an end. That end being skinny and fitting into your clothes. Working out and gaining muscle will help you reach that goal. Most ladies gain muscle in their legs, generally because its the easiest place to gain muscle, and that helps speed along their advances.

    Please don't be discouraged by the number on the scale, at east not in the beginning. Don't be shocked if that number grows over the next few days. I promise you your waist line number will shrink faster than your weight if you keep this up. Remember, disassociate weight from fat. You want to lose fat, your weight will go down too, but its the fat that you want to remove.

    Good luck. And remember if you stumble one day, regain your footing and keep going. Missing one day isn't an excuse to give up!

  • 1Steph1
    1Steph1 Posts: 145
    I recommend Chalean Extreme I had great results, its a 90 day program. As for the little weight loss, with a lot of programs you usually dont notice much weight loss until your more near the middle or even the end of the program, so I would just be patient. Some people may even gain weight AT FIRST especially if you are doing workouts that require a lot of muscle. This is because you are gaining muscle, which is good because the more muscle you have the more fat and cals you burn even while resting. So this does not necessarily mean you are not losing any fat. I suggest you take before and after pictures to compare, and also take measurements. You don't always notice it on the scale so don't go entirely by that. I lost weight but I did not realize how much until I compared my before and after photos.
    When I dont feel like working out I tell myself JUST DO IT! Because I know I am better off doing my workouts than doing nothing, no matter how long it takes to see results the hard work will eventually pay off :)
  • russ1220
    russ1220 Posts: 58
    With persistancy I will get better! This weight lost thing ain't a easy thing to do for most. I'm in the same boat now, i've kinda gotten to the I don't care stage. I actually did ty this time logging meals, and exercising and the scale sya's I GAINED 4lbs in a week. That's a lot discouraging, but I know that I just can't give get I just have to go at it hard this time and stay the course.

    Don't let it get the best of you! You still have your health and strength and you can move on! Keep your head up. :happy:
  • kwardklinck
    kwardklinck Posts: 1,601
    Sore muscles hold water. I had that problem for the first month of my diet and exercise program. Once I was used to the exercise, my muscles stopped aching and the weight started coming off. Please be patient with yourself and don't let yourself give up. It takes some time to gain weight and it takes even more time to get it off.
  • Flippy44
    Flippy44 Posts: 77
    Thanks everyone!!! The words are really more helpful than you probably imagine. I just needed someone, somewhere to say "don't give up! you can do it!" And Matt's explanation - along with the ones that followed - were REALLY helpful in helping getting my mind back on track. I did do my measurements last night so hopefully that will change shortly! And the before/after photos are also a great idea. (although I'm not sure I wanna see myself in a bikini!) :sick: LOL As Matt guessed - I've never really done any exercise so this is new ground for me. I hate that I have to do it, but if I want the end result there just isn't any other way! Onward and upward!! :drinker:
  • bcgillies
    bcgillies Posts: 1
    Don't let it get you down. I have a few suggestions which you may want to try...

    (a) Diet: I've been reading books by Dr. Neal Barnard. He and the other doctors in his group have been testing new diet recommendations for over 17 years. They insist that their subjects not exercise when they are being tested so they get accurate results of what the diet can really do. They recommend that you remove all animal products from your diet - and it isn't as hard as you might think. The Four New Food Groups they recommend are: vegetables, fruits, whole grains and legumes. They have a website called Nutrition MD at http://www.nutritionmd.org/makeover/basics/nutrition.html . Now they are not advocating no exercise at all ... they only ask their test subjects to stop exercising while they test the diet on them. But they say that what you eat has a greater effect on your weight than exercise. They recommend that you do exercise, but it can be moderate exercise - like walking for 30 minutes several times a week, and for a busy Mom like you, this might fit in better with what you have to cram into your day! We are big meat eaters in my family and I didn't think I could do it, but I started this week and it is even helping my 17 y/o son, who is not overweight. I drink rice milk, eat lots of veggies and fruit, rye and pumpernickel bread and have started trying alot of beans and legumes that I never ate before. A half-cup of beans sure fills you up! The website is very informative (e.g. theory, recipes, how-to's, etc.). The thing that struck me the most is how much our diet effects our health and what diseases we get. Weightloss is almost a by-product of eating properly according to the researchers. They don't ask you to cut portions or count calories - just cut out the animal products, and reduce the fat and sugar in your diet. The website has many suggestions for substitutions (e.g. replace cheese with "nutritional" yeast (it tastes like cheese when you add it to pasta, soups, etc.; replace oils for stir-frying with veggie broth; replace milk with rice milk, almond milk or soy milk; replace hamburger with "ground round" which is really tofu, etc.). Even my family has been eating these products with minimal complaint. I got these products from my local health food store.

    (b) Positive Thinking/Imagery: I know how hard this is to do, especially when you are discouraged. But every time a negative thought pops into your mind, replace it immediately with a positive one. A person's "negative self-talk" can really bring that individual down, which doesn't help the weight loss efforts at all. Also, if you can get 5 minutes to close your eyes and concentrate on seeing yourself where you want to be in terms of weight, that would help alot too. The more detail you can put into that "positive image", the greater the impact on your subconscious mind. Imagine how will you look at your ideal weight; how will your body feel; what will you do that you can't do now? Hear the conversations you will have with others and hear their comments, etc.

    (c) At my worst moments, I recall these words of wisdom: "Remember...this too shall pass!" :)

    Just keeping trying and concentrate on the next few minutes, next meal or whatever it takes to get you through the day and Good Luck!!
  • Flippy44
    Flippy44 Posts: 77
    Thanks so much BCG... I will check out the website you suggested. My sister gave up animal products long ago but I'm not sure I can do it. At least not forever. Maybe as a 30-day cleanse or something. :D But I'll sure give it a read with an open mind! I'm glad you're finding something that works for you!
  • brendac72
    brendac72 Posts: 109 Member
    Definitely don't get discouraged.....as everyone said it may take a little time. I wish I had your energy to be able to take care of the house & kids then go do your workout...WAY TO GO for sticking to it. I do agree with oter posts, maybe change it up a little here and there. I was the same way, stuck and not moving now I'm on my last 4lbs to go and its not coming off easy at all! Keep up the good work......listening to your story has made me think :wink:
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