calorie in calorie out

MEFME Posts: 16 Member
Maybe this is a stupid question, but I'm going to ask anyway.
I burned over what my calorie allowance was for the whole day. I have a net calorie deficit of 67 calories, I did eat a couple hundred back. But it says I have like a whole days worth of calories I could eat. Is it healthy that I dont eat those ALL back?


  • Cyliesmom
    Cyliesmom Posts: 35 Member
    I did the same thing on Monday. My head tells me that it makes no sense to stuff myself with food at the end of the day just because I had time to fit in an extra spin class. I am sure others on here would disagree with me, but that is my opinion.
  • dianesheart88
    dianesheart88 Posts: 111 Member
    I would say no. Your body needs calories to run... like fuel. However don't trust the MFP calculations for burns. The best way to know exactly what you burn is a heart rate monitor with calories burned. I had an issue when I was under eating.... I stalled on weight loss for nearly 5 weeks because I wasn't eating enough. I am sure you'll get some good feedback from others here who are extremely helpful. Good luck!
  • LAW_714
    LAW_714 Posts: 258
    Maybe this is a stupid question, but I'm going to ask anyway.
    I burned over what my calorie allowance was for the whole day. I have a net calorie deficit of 67 calories, I did eat a couple hundred back. But it says I have like a whole days worth of calories I could eat. Is it healthy that I dont eat those ALL back?

    You don't have to eat ALL of your calories back (partly because there's a tendency to over estimate calorie burn). But, you shouldn't net 67 calories for a day. Eat back some of your exercise calories. There's going to be some (human) error in your calorie count (people tend to underestimate what they eat) and some (human or fitness meter) error in your calorie burn (often overestimating your burn). But aim for something reasonable with a bit of room for give or take a bit.

    Personally, I try to eat back at least half.
    MEFME Posts: 16 Member
    Thanks I appreciate the feed back.
    MEFME Posts: 16 Member
    Yes, thats a good point, err on the side of caution, thanks.
    MEFME Posts: 16 Member
    Right, thats exactly it, I didnt plan on burning all those calories today, I ate until I was a little over full at dinner, and I didnt want to eat to close to bedtime either.