I can’t seem to get started!

I used to do some form of exercise but it’s been months since I’ve even went out for a walk! How can I break the cycle and start to add exercise into my daily routine. I work way too much!


  • freda666
    freda666 Posts: 338 Member
    I started walking simply by taking the very shortest path possible to my local shop and buying food in small, carry-able quantities.
    I then started to take out the short cuts and then added in some round-the-houses to make the walk longer.
    Then I added a hill, then another.
    Now I go out every day and walk 5 miles, still including those two hills, and it feels wrong if I don't.

    So for me, I just started small and I let it creep up on me to become a regular thing.
  • ggeise14
    ggeise14 Posts: 386 Member
    Agree with freda78, start with walking - just do it! Start small with 15-20 min and set aside time and build from there.
  • nighthawk584
    nighthawk584 Posts: 2,023 Member
    I mean this is the nicest way....Stop making excuses and just get out there and move. I used to do the same thing before my wlj. I exercise EVERY DAY whether I feel like it or not, and feel so much better after the workout. Work it in. EVERYONE can find the time.
  • Dogmom1978
    Dogmom1978 Posts: 1,580 Member
    I work two jobs (one full time mom-fri 8-5 and one unpredictable home business buying and selling used gym equipment). There are days when job 2 IS my workout.

    I agree with the above to just do it whether you want to or not. I have plenty of lazy days, but once I START my workout, I feel great. So, when I feel lazy I remind myself of how good I’ll feel once I get started and that gets my butt off the couch and into my basement gym for some weights and cardio. 😊
  • Diatonic12
    Diatonic12 Posts: 32,344 Member
    Don't wait for motivation. Don't look for inspiration. Don't search for willpower.


    Put the struggle down. Move fast. Get it done.

    Don't give your brain anymore time to think about it. You only have about 5 seconds before your brain will talk you out of absolutely everything. Move and don't think. Do this every day.
  • sijomial
    sijomial Posts: 19,809 Member
    Break the cycle by doing it and not thinking about doing it.
    Then while you are walking have a serious think about your priorities and bump health a lot further up your list.

    Also build as much movement into your working day as possible. If you don't change your habits you won't change your results.
  • angelexperiment
    angelexperiment Posts: 1,917 Member
    Check out Keira lashae on YouTube she has quick 5 min vids or longer some dance some hip hop hips they are fun then you want to do another and if you only can commit 5 minutes a day you can do anything for5 minutes! I make myself go for walk when I don’t want to even if it’s a few more laps around Walmart if I’m shopping
  • B_Plus_Effort
    B_Plus_Effort Posts: 311 Member
    I think it was Ray Romano who wrote a book that started on page 37 or something like that LOL, he said when ever he picked up a book he would dread having to read that many pages, but with his, day one, you're already on page 37

    So I feel you, on two levels, one I worked so much at one point in my life that my son would call our neighbor uncle daddy, and on the second level I have started over exercising so many times that I can't even count, not because I am a quitter but because of injuries

    so first thing's first, tell yourself you are not starting to exercise tomorrow, but that you already started yesterday, don't matter if you actually went to the gym or not or for a walk or not, hewk we'll call it your rest day if you didn't wink wink

    if you are busy incorporate walking into your daily routine, here are some suggestions:

    1. take the stairs at work instead of the elevator

    2. can you walk to work? if not can you park further and walk

    3. can you walk to the grocery store? if not can you park further and walk

    4. go for a walk at lunch time at work, and eat lunch at your desk when you get back

    5. if you have an office, close the door and bring some dumb bells to work and do some upper body exercises

    6. if you bring work home, can you walk on a treadmill while you proof read things on paper or on an Ipad for example

    7. if you have a two story house, fold some towels, take them upstairs, fold some more, do it again, that's what I do, make it fun

    we as humans are super creative, I know you can come up with some ideas on your own, just don't go from nothing to running a marathon, take small baby steps to build up your routine