

  • MakeLifeBright
    I lost about 20 lbs before I HAD to get some new pants. I did feel a little smaller but still felt fat and was frustrated because my co-worker had dropped a size or two and had lost less weight than me. I guess it's normal in some of us. Get RID of your FAT clothes so you don't have anything to fall back on. My thinking is that if I have to buy new fat clothes it will prompt me to get back on the wagon and get in shape again.

    I will do it!! Every one has given me soo much support here today. I will get rid of those fat clothes!! I must!!
    I will donate them to the salvation army Tomorrow!!!!!!!! :sad: :bigsmile: :flowerforyou: :wink: :happy:
  • taijade
    taijade Posts: 38
    I want to be sexy I want to be attractive, but I feel like I am still too big to leave my comfort zone. What can I do??

    Oh, sweetheart, I SO understand this sentence.

    At the beginning of this year (before I found MFP) I lost about 11lbs and although I knew I had and people commented that it LOOKED like I lost weight and I was able to do my jeans up without feeling like they were going to cut off the circulation to my legs...I looked at myself in a mirror and saw FATFATFAT.
    I gained the wieght back, unfortunately and I hate seeing my reflection now; it makes me feel sick.

    You're not alone, you're not're just used to reacting to yourself in a certain way, if that makes sense?
    Like a lot of others have said already - get rid of the clothes that are way too big for you; just give them away to someone or donate them to a charity...whatever it takes to get them out of your house and life because then you can start looking for things that fit properly and that's the best step you can take in realising that you are well on your way to becoming a healthier you.