Slimmer thighs

I really wanna get slimmer thighs. What is the best cardio or classes I should do? I try to eat healthy most of the time.


  • nyan33
    nyan33 Posts: 1 Member
    Running or cycling
  • B_Plus_Effort
    B_Plus_Effort Posts: 311 Member
    OK, how many read that as swimmer thighs, (yeah me neither, ha ha)
  • B_Plus_Effort
    B_Plus_Effort Posts: 311 Member
    nyan33 wrote: »
    Running or cycling

    Cycling will do quite the opposite
  • steph6556
    steph6556 Posts: 575 Member
    I have had exciting results with walking uphills! I’m the type of person that avoids squatting with weights, lunging with weights, anything that is going to give me thigh muscles! This is my own personal preference and I don’t need anyone chiming in about weights not making you bulky. My results of looking long and lean have come from my avoidance of these types of exercises as I focus on body weight resistance and cardio, bands are great too. I take the advice of trainers who train models, not CrossFit enthusiasts. I’m not saying any of those things are bad Or wrong, they simply don’t give me the body type I’m looking for, so maybe looking to the body types you like and taking advice from their trainers would steer you in the right direction🙂
  • steph6556
    steph6556 Posts: 575 Member
    I’m going to echo @steph6556.

    I recently switched from running (kept tripping while running) )to power walking, at the advice of my trainer. She warned me powerwalking would slim me down. (She thinks I’m too thin.)

    I thought she was pulling my leg but started noticing a difference in a couple of weeks in thighs, waist and butt, just as she’d predicted.

    YMMV but, wow! I’m thoroughly impressed. I felt like I was wimping out and had failed at running when I started, though. Now I really enjoy it.

    Yay!!! Never anticipated this! Thought for sure I’d get the free-weight gods chiming in about how weights don’t make you bulky! Thanks for the support. The walking/jogging routine has done wonders for slimming me down not only in thighs but waist and hips too. The tone and definition I’ve gotten from uphill walking has done all the “ recomp” Ive ever desired in my lower body, without the muscle-y stuff I don’t want! Cardio for the win👏🏻

  • fstrickl
    fstrickl Posts: 883 Member
    I totally get wanting thinner thighs, literally every pair of denim I own gets ripped/worn in the upper thigh area.

    I don’t have any advice for thinner thighs besides that I’ve been trying to appreciate my legs for how they get me through life. They literally carry me everywhere, they help me lift my dog who isn’t able to do stairs right now, they have helped me do higher and longer jump squats, I’ve been able to increase the amount of weights I lift. And guess what, they still rub. But if my thighs touch and I can still do all those things (and more) and I’m still hitting my health goals (yes, by living a healthier lifestyle I’ve lost weight all over including my thighs, because as stated you can’t spot reduce fat) then maybe I’ll be okay with chub rub and seeing how my body will change as I continue to care for it. And don’t forget #thickthighssavelives (I KNOW hashtags don’t work here).
  • spiriteagle99
    spiriteagle99 Posts: 3,731 Member
    If you lose enough weight, you will also lose weight in your thighs. It may not give you the body you want though. I lost enough to be fairly thin (BMI 20). My upper body is very bony without any real fat. I have no bust at all. My lower body is still well padded. I don't have thigh rub any more, but my legs are still pretty large. They are, however strong and allow me to walk and run for miles, so I accept that they will never be model slim. It's just the way I'm built.
  • Dogmom1978
    Dogmom1978 Posts: 1,580 Member
    AlexiaC47 wrote: »
    I have been doing squats, lunges and deadlifts all with weights, for decades.

    Absolutely have not made me bulky at all. I’m female, 53 yo, 5’3 and 121 lbs.

    I also run, walk, do Pilates, take classes.

    I think the cardio vs strength debate is silly. You need both.

    If a woman has fat flabby thighs, weights will help them tone and measure less, not more.

    Precisely! I enjoy both my weights AND cardio. My thighs are fat because I’m still fat. You can’t out exercise a bad diet and I’ve been SLACKING big time on my eating habits lol
  • springlering62
    springlering62 Posts: 8,283 Member
    Just to clarify, I do weights, Pilates, and yoga, in addition to power walking. I’m retired and have the luxury of doing several workouts a day, although to me they’re simply having fun as much as working out.

    I think having a broad range of activity is great for overall fitness (oh lord, how I love uttering those words from my mouth....) but I have been surprised at how specifically the power walking has shed bulk so quickly.
  • girlwithcurls2
    girlwithcurls2 Posts: 2,281 Member
    Just to clarify, I do weights, Pilates, and yoga, in addition to power walking. I’m retired and have the luxury of doing several workouts a day, although to me they’re simply having fun as much as working out.

    I think having a broad range of activity is great for overall fitness (oh lord, how I love uttering those words from my mouth....) but I have been surprised at how specifically the power walking has shed bulk so quickly.

    I can't wait to retire. This sounds awesome...