November Check-in! 🍁🍂



  • 425Recess
    425Recess Posts: 269 Member
    Name: Lorrraine
    Age: 73
    Height: 5'4"
    Total weight lost: 50 lb.
    Time it took to lose: Over years with ups/downs
    How long in maintenance: at current weight ~3 years - Was on maintenance for 7 years at 125 lbs.
    Maintenance weight range: 115 +/- 2 lbs.
    Average weight recorded from 2018: Don't have the recorded number but stayed at goal.
    Average weight recorded from 2019: 114.5

    Average weight recorded for Nov:114.5
    Average weight recorded for Dec: 115
    Average weight recorded for January: 115
    Average weight recorded for February: 115
    Average weight recorded for March: 115.5
    Average weight recorded for April:116.1
    Average weight recorded for May 115.2
    Average weight recorded for June:115.1
    Average weight recorded for July:114.5
    Average weight recorded for August:114.0
    Average weight recorded for September:115.0
    Average weight recorded for October:114.7

    Nov. 2: 115.0
    Nov. 9: 115.0
    Nov. 16: 115.5
    Nov. 23 115.5

    Struggles: Having a hard getting back in the swing of logging every day. It's worrisome. I'm determined to log every day this week except on Thanksgiving. Thanksgiving has always been a no logging day. I try not to over eat because I don't like the feeling but I like to take a planned day off.

    Success: Ate takeout twice this week and up some during the week but fell back to last weeks weigh-in.
  • fdgrazie
    fdgrazie Posts: 5 Member
    Name: Dawn
    Age: 48
    Height: 5'1"
    Total weight lost: 86 lbs
    Time it took to lose: 11 months
    How long in maintenance:
    Maintenance weight range:

    Average weight recorded from 2018:
    Average weight recorded for 2019:

    Average weight recorded from January: 296
    Average weight recorded from February: 284
    Average weight recorded from March: 281
    Average weight recorded from April: 279
    Average weight recorded from May: 277
    Average weight recorded for June: 274
    Average weight recorded for July: 269
    Average weight recorded for August: 264
    Average weight recorded for September: 248
    Average weight recorded for October: 222
    Average weight recorded for November:

    Average weight Week of...

    November 1..... 222
    November 8….. 218
    November 15..... 215
    November 22..... 211
    November 29.....

    Success/Struggles: Still recovering some days from the bypass surgery on Sept 1. Normalizing eating and maintaining healthier eating habits and trying to exercise more-stitches now healed up after complications and Dr okayed light exercise this month but trying to do a bit more.

    Started a new job working at the same factory my husband and son work at and feeling just so much better. Labs all looking good and fatty liver reversing. Great news! Struggles have been to meet protein goals in food and eat a few more calories as well as keeping hydrated. Still painful to drink parts of the day but got a new bottle that is helping.
  • charmmeth
    charmmeth Posts: 936 Member
    Name: Charlotte
    Age: 56
    Height: 5'11" (180cm)
    Maintenance range: 75kg (+/- 2.5 kg)

    Weight lost: 86kg to 80 kg (January-August 2012); 85 kg to 69 kg (October 2014 - March 2016); 88kg to present weight (May 2020 - now)
    maintained (i.e. was below 77.5 kg, and mostly below 75 kg) from February 2015-July 2017; was then put on a medication and gained 2 kg in a month; went on sabbatical (away from scales; lots of conference meals); hit (peri-)menopause and lost track of things except to note that I was steadily gaining and back to 85/86 kg.
    Lost to 81 kg at Easter 2020 (top of normal bmi for me), but then gained back to 88 kg in April/May (Easter egg binge; lock down closed the pool...).
    Average weight October 2014 - September 2015: 75.72 kg
    Average weight October 2015 - September 2016: 72.33 kg
    Average weight October 2016 - September 2017: 76.82 kg - monthly average within maintenance range (74.82 - 77.86 kg) for the first 10 months, then 79 kg in August and September
    Average weight October 2017 - March 2018: 80.90 kg
    April 2018-April 2020: no data

    Average weight recorded for May 2020 (22.-31.5.2020): 87.15 kg
    Average weight recorded for June: 85.31 kg
    Average weight recorded for July: 83.12 kg
    Average weight recorded for August: 81.07 kg
    Average weight recorded for September: 79.59 kg
    Average weight recorded for October: 77.81 kg

    Weight / seven day rolling average:
    November 3: 77.5 kg (171 lb) / rolling 7-day average 76.79 kg
    November 10: 77.7kg (171 lb) / rolling 7-day average 77.31 kg
    November 17: 77.1 kg (170 lb) / rolling 7-day average 76.63 kg
    November 24: 76.9 kg (170 lb) / rolling 7-day average 76.36 kg

    Average weight recorded for November currently: 76.81 kg (down exactly 1 kg from October)

    Still losing, with 2.5 kg to go, but now in my maintenance range. Since I have lost and gained before (see above) I really want to plan for maintenance this time; hence joining this thread. After maintaining for a while at 75 kg, I may adjust my maintenance weight down to 72 kg (+/- 2.5), but I want to reach 75kg and maintain for a few months before making that decision.

    Comment on this week:
    Yesterday, after a 16km row, I weighed in at 75.9kg (below 76kg - yay!), and this morning's 76.9kg is the first time I have been below 77kg without exercise. I had been hoping to be at goal (75kg) before Christmas, but currently don't think that's likely. Still, my mean for November to date shows a 1kg loss compared to October, and yesterday was a 2 stone loss since 22 May, and thhose are things to be pleased about. Also, I have been in my maintenance range through the whole of November except the weigh-in on 10 November.

  • figurethefat
    figurethefat Posts: 1,399 Member
    Age: 63
    Height: 159cm
    Total weight lost: 11kg
    Time it took to lose: Started April 2020
    How long in maintenance: August 2020
    Maintenance weight range: 56-57kg
    Average weight recorded for July: 57.7kg
    Average weight recorded for August: 56.9kg
    Average weight recorded for September: 56.8kg
    Average weight recorded for October: 56.5kg
    Average weight recorded for November: 56.7kg

    Weigh-in day for me is Friday

    Week of:
    November 6 - 56.5kg
    November 13 - 56.4kg
    November 20 - 57.0kg
    November 27 - 56.9kg

    Struggle: Why do I ruin the day in the last few hours? Why do I feel that need to have something full of carbs?
    Success: Steps increasing!
  • missperfectpitch
    missperfectpitch Posts: 594 Member
    Name: missperfectpitch
    Height: 5'4"
    Total weight lost: About 43 pounds
    Time it took to lose: 1 year and 2 months
    How long in maintenance: I hit my goal weight in the beginning of January 2018, but officially started maintenance in mid-March 2018 after figuring out my calories for a couple of months.
    Maintenance weight range: 108-112.5
    Average weight recorded from 2018 (12 months): 109.8
    Average weight recorded for 2019 (12 months): 111.2

    Average weight recorded for January: 111.9
    Average weight recorded for February: 111.3
    Average weight recorded from March: 110.3
    Average weight recorded from April: 109.7
    Average weight recorded for May: 110.9
    Average weight recorded for June: 112.3
    Average weight recorded for July: 112.7
    Average weight recorded for August: 112.9
    Average weight recorded for September: 112.4
    Average weight recorded for October: 111.7

    Week of..
    November 7: 111.6 (trend 111.7)
    November 14: 111.2 (trend 111.4)
    November 21: 111.4 (trend 111.4)
    November 28: 111.7 (trend 111.6)

    Success(es)/struggle(s) of the week: A bit of a bump up in my weight this week, but not too bad. I ate a lot of food the past couple of days, but I also went on a pretty challenging hike both Thursday and today.
  • kristen8000
    kristen8000 Posts: 747 Member
    Hi! My name is Kristen. And I struggle to maintain my weight. I have had great success losing/gaining, but I'm hoping this group helps me be more accountable. I weigh only 1x week on Sundays, so that's when I'll check in. My 2 goals in 2020 are to not let the scale go above 153 and weigh in EVERY Sunday for the WHOLE YEAR. This seems easy to most, but I get lazy and make excuses why I don't need to weigh in and then all of a sudden everything in my closet has shrunk. LOL

    Age: 41
    Sex: Female
    Height: 5'11"
    Total weight lost: 20 pounds
    Time it took to lose: 2 months
    How long in maintenance: 1 year!
    Starting Weight: 164.8 (September 3rd, 2019)
    Goal Weight: 150 (Hit November 8th, 2019)
    Maintenance weight range: 147 - 153

    Average weight recorded for September: 160.1
    Average weight recorded for October: 154.0
    Average weight recorded for November: 149.2
    Average weight recorded for December: 146.4
    Average weight recorded for January: 145.4
    Average weight recorded for February: 143.4
    Average weight recorded for March:
    Average weight recorded for April: 143.5
    Average weight recorded for May: 145.7
    Average weight recorded for June: 146.3
    Average weight recorded for July: 148.3
    Average weight recorded for August: 147.5
    Average weight recorded for September: 147.5
    Average weight recorded for October: 145.3

    Week of...
    November 1st: Didn't weigh, on vacation
    November 8th: 146.2 (Trend Weight:146.1)
    November 15th: 146.6 (Trend Weight: 146.4)
    November 22nd: 147.9 (Trend Weight: 147.4)
    November 29th: 147.7 (Trend Weight: 147.6)

    Successes/Struggles: I finished off the last of the leftover Halloween candy this week, so that's not in the house! I did make an apple crumb pie for Thanksgiving and that's still lingering though. This time of year is always hard food wise. My goal for December is to remain under 150lbs.

    I have a 3 day work week this week. It's my 42nd birthday Thursday and I plan to do as much fun things as the Covid restrictions allow!

    I hope the rest of you are doing well, safe and healthy.

    Hope everyone has a great week.

  • mtaratoot
    mtaratoot Posts: 13,711 Member
    HEAVIEST weight: 175.4 in early 2013.
    Total Weight lost: 30 pounds
    Time it took to lose: ~6 months
    How long in maintenance: Since July 2018 -- but with some fluctuation outside of goal range.
    Maintenance weight range: 142 - 148 (and not sure that's the right answer)

    Average weight recorded from 2017 (12 months): 163.8
    Average weight recorded from 2018 (12 months): 150.7
    Average weight recorded from 2019 (12 months): 144.8

    Average weight recorded from December 2019: 145.0
    Average weight recorded from January 2020: 143.7
    Average weight recorded from February 2020: 144.2
    Average weight recorded from March 2020: 145.9
    Average weight recorded from April 2020: 148.5
    Average weight recorded from May 2020: 149.2
    Average weight recorded from June 2020: 147.3
    Average weight recorded from July 2020: 146.2
    Average weight recorded from August 2020: 145.1
    Average weight recorded from September 2020: 144.0
    Average weight recorded from October 2020: 148.7

    Average weight Week of...
    October 25 - Nov 1 ........... 150.5
    November 2 - 8 ................. 149.5
    November 9 - 15 ............... 151.0
    November 16 - 22 ............. 149.7
    November 23 - 29 ............. 149.1
    November 30 - Dec 6 ........

    Success of the week: My mass is moderating back down to the middle part of my maintenance range. I got to play around in the kitchen making experiments without any deadlines or worries that anyone else would have to suffer through anything that didn't turn out ok. It all turned out fine.

    Struggle of the week: I continue to loathe the restrictions we have to place on ourselves to keep each other safe and healthy. I'm longing for the end of it. It's getting me down to the point I don't even want to go for a walk much less a run. I just want to shut myself in, read a book, and do a whole stack of crossword puzzles. I sure hope this isn't what retirement will be like; I'll go insane.
  • kgirlhart
    kgirlhart Posts: 5,049 Member
    Name: Kathryn
    Age: 52
    Height: 5'4"
    Total Weight lost: ~80 lbs
    Time it took to lose: 2 years 3 months
    How long in maintenance: I called maintenance in July 2016, but I continued to slowly lose until December of 2017. I have been in maintenance since December 2017
    Maintenance weight range: 113 - 118 lbs

    Average weight recorded from 2018: 118.8
    Average weight recorded from 2019: 115.2

    Average weight recorded from January: 114.2
    Average weight recorded from February: 113.6
    Average weight recorded from March 113.3
    Average weight recorded from April: 113.7
    Average weight recorded from May: 113.8
    Average weight recorded from June: 113.7
    Average weight recorded from July: 113.6
    Average weight recorded from August: 112.8
    Average weight recorded from September: 113.3
    Average weight recorded from October:113.4

    Week of:
    November 1: 112.2 scale/113.3 trend
    November 8: 113.4 scale/113.7 trend
    November 15: 112.6 scale/ 114.0 trend
    November 22: 113.2 scale/ 113.7 trend
    November 29: 114.2 scale/ 114.1 trend

    Success/Struggles: My weight was some due to the Thanksgiving holiday.  I'm not worried about it though. I expected it to be up and I know that it is just temporary. 

    Happy Birthday @kristen8000!
  • lesdarts180
    lesdarts180 Posts: 2,851 Member
    Name Lesley
    Age: 70
    Height: 155 cm (5’ 1”)
    Total weight lost: 22.5 kg (approx. 50 lb)
    Time it took to lose: 9 months
    How long in maintenance: 18 months
    Maintenance weight range: 48 – 51 kg (106 – 112 lbs)

    Average weight recorded from 2018: max 72.5 kg in July, 56 kg in Dec
    Average weight 2019: 49.8 kg – reached goal weight in April, average since then 48.7 kg

    Average weight recorded for January: 49.8 kg (110 lb)
    Average weight recorded for February: 51.2 kg (113 lb)
    Average weight recorded for March: 50.6 kg (112 lb)
    Average weight recorded for April: 50.1 kg (110.5 lb)
    Average weight recorded for May: 49.1 kg (108 lb)
    Average weight recorded for June: 48.4 kg (107 lb)
    Average weight recorded for July: 48.3 kg (106.5 lb)
    Average weight recorded for August: 48.6 kg (107 lb)
    Average weight recorded for September: 49.1 kg (108 lb)
    Average weight recorded for October: 49.1 kg (108 lb)

    Nov 2nd: 49.2 kg (trend 49.1 kg)
    Nov 9th: 48.9 kg (trend 49.1 kg)
    Nov 16th: 49 kg (trend 48.9 kg)
    Nov 23rd: 48.1 kg (trend 48.8 kg)
    Nov 30th: 48.6 kg (trend 48.7 kg)

    I’ve lost about 0.5 kg over the last few weeks. I’m not calling it a success because I didn’t need to lose it but it is still within my goal range. Not eating out has probably been the main driver for that but I have also kept up my exercise levels, cycling and walking to increase the time spent outdoors, but also YouTube video workouts.
    I joined a challenge to workout and get outside during the lockdown and that pushed me get out even when the weather was horrible.

    @mtaratoot don’t worry, this is not what retirement is like. I retired 5 years ago and until this year I had a great time getting out and about meeting friends, going away on holidays, days out, various activities. This lockdown is horrible. For me getting outdoors has been important. Cycling in the countryside watching the seasons has been an unexpected bonus.

    Stay safe everyone
  • Born2Run1958
    Born2Run1958 Posts: 23 Member
    Name Sharon
    Age: 62
    Height: 5 4
    Total weight lost: Just Beginning
    Time it took to lose: We'll see
    How long in maintenance: N/A
    Maintenance weight range: N/A

    Average weight recorded from December:
    Average weight recorded from January:
    Average weight recorded from February:
    Average weight recorded from March:
    Average weight recorded from April:
    Average weight recorded from May:
    Average weight recorded for June:
    Average weight recorded for July:
    Average weight recorded for August:
    Average weight recorded for September:
    Average weight recorded for October:
    Average weight recorded for November:
    Average weight recorded for December:
  • 425Recess
    425Recess Posts: 269 Member
    Name: Lorrraine
    Age: 73
    Height: 5'4"
    Total weight lost: 50 lb.
    Time it took to lose: Over years with ups/downs
    How long in maintenance: at current weight ~3 years - Was on maintenance for 7 years at 125 lbs.
    Maintenance weight range: 115 +/- 2 lbs.
    Average weight recorded from 2018: Don't have the recorded number but stayed at goal.
    Average weight recorded from 2019: 114.5

    Average weight recorded for Nov:114.5
    Average weight recorded for Dec: 115
    Average weight recorded for January: 115
    Average weight recorded for February: 115
    Average weight recorded for March: 115.5
    Average weight recorded for April:116.1
    Average weight recorded for May 115.2
    Average weight recorded for June:115.1
    Average weight recorded for July:114.5
    Average weight recorded for August:114.0
    Average weight recorded for September:115.0
    Average weight recorded for October:114.7

    Nov. 2: 115.0
    Nov. 9: 115.0
    Nov. 16: 115.5
    Nov. 23 115.5
    Nov. 30 117.0

    Success: Still had a hard getting back in the swing of logging every day until after TG and then my head got into it. Not only did I log but I stayed within my calories. It is maddening that my weight went up (daily weighing) after I started eating better. It does that. It's just confused. :smile:
  • frankwbrown
    frankwbrown Posts: 12,594 Member
    Name: Frank
    Age: 71
    Height: 6'1"
    Total weight lost: 41 lbs
    Time it took to lose: 20 weeks
    How long in maintenance: zero (still pursuing goal weight)
    Maintenance weight range: 220-230? (not sure until I get there!)

    Average weight recorded for 2019: ?

    Average weight recorded from January:
    Average weight recorded from February:
    Average weight recorded from March:
    Average weight recorded from April:
    Average weight recorded from May:
    Average weight recorded for June:
    Average weight recorded for July: 327 lbs (started at 330 lbs on July 10th)
    Average weight recorded for August: 320 lbs
    Average weight recorded for September: 310 lbs
    Average weight recorded for October: 300 lbs
    Average weight recorded for November: 291 lbs

    Average weight Week of...

    November 1.....
    November 8…..
    November 15.....
    November 22.....
    November 29.....

    I'm losing about 2 lbs/week and still on track to reach my goal weight of 230 lbs on 7/10/2021.
    However, I am aware that it will be harder to average 2 lbs/week when I have less than 10 lbs left to lose, so I might miss my goal date, but that's okay.
  • mtaratoot
    mtaratoot Posts: 13,711 Member
    @Born2Run1958 and @frankwbrown

    Sharon and Frank,

    I just wanted to make sure you were aware that this monthly challenge is for folks who have achieved their goal/maintenance weight/range and are striving to keep the weight off. The good thing is that it's possible!

    There's quite a few challenges on MFP for people actively losing weight. The good thing is that it is possible, and if you stick to it, you WILL GET THERE! I'm happy to point you to a few that you might enjoy; check the challenges area of the forums.

    I will be really happy to see you not only achieve your goals, but then maintain your loss when you get there. I will warn you; while it is possible, many people (myself included) find that it can still be challenging to keep it off. It's a life-long journey. You can do it.

  • frankwbrown
    frankwbrown Posts: 12,594 Member
    edited December 2020
    mtaratoot wrote: »
    @Born2Run1958 and @frankwbrown

    Sharon and Frank,

    I just wanted to make sure you were aware that this monthly challenge is for folks who have achieved their goal/maintenance weight/range and are striving to keep the weight off. The good thing is that it's possible!

    There's quite a few challenges on MFP for people actively losing weight. The good thing is that it is possible, and if you stick to it, you WILL GET THERE! I'm happy to point you to a few that you might enjoy; check the challenges area of the forums.

    I will be really happy to see you not only achieve your goals, but then maintain your loss when you get there. I will warn you; while it is possible, many people (myself included) find that it can still be challenging to keep it off. It's a life-long journey. You can do it.

    Thank you, @mtaratoot. I guess I missed that. I see it now, and it's a great idea for helping people to maintain their goal weight.
    That's a ways off for me, so as Arnold would say, "I'll be back." :wink:
  • mtaratoot
    mtaratoot Posts: 13,711 Member
    mtaratoot wrote: »
    @Born2Run1958 and @frankwbrown

    Sharon and Frank,

    I just wanted to make sure you were aware that this monthly challenge is for folks who have achieved their goal/maintenance weight/range and are striving to keep the weight off. The good thing is that it's possible!

    There's quite a few challenges on MFP for people actively losing weight. The good thing is that it is possible, and if you stick to it, you WILL GET THERE! I'm happy to point you to a few that you might enjoy; check the challenges area of the forums.

    I will be really happy to see you not only achieve your goals, but then maintain your loss when you get there. I will warn you; while it is possible, many people (myself included) find that it can still be challenging to keep it off. It's a life-long journey. You can do it.

    Thank you, @mtaratoot. I guess I missed that. I see it now, and it's a great idea for helping people maintain their goal weight.
    That's a ways off for me, so as Arnold would say, "I'll be back." :wink:

    I'll save a cup of coffee for you when you get back. Take it slow and steady. Don't rush it. Make it last. If you get a little sidetracked, that's ok too. Happens to all of us. Take that side hike and enjoy the attractions. But then get back on the path and stay the course. It's worth it.
  • charmmeth
    charmmeth Posts: 936 Member
    Will there be a December thread?
  • frankwbrown
    frankwbrown Posts: 12,594 Member
    charmmeth wrote: »
    Will there be a December thread?


    check out Winter Weight Loss Challenge

  • MadisonMolly2017
    MadisonMolly2017 Posts: 11,141 Member
    Name Maddie
    Height: 174 cm
    Total weight lost: 74.1
    Time it took to lose: 2-2/3 years
    How long in maintenance: 2-1/4 years
    Maintenance weight range: In the 150’s
    Average weight recorded from 2018: 168.4
    Average weight recorded for 2019: 155.1
    Average weight recorded for 2020: 157.12

    Average weight recorded from Jan; 159.4
    Average weight recorded from Feb:159
    Average weight recorded from Mar: 158.7
    Average weight recorded from April:157.5
    Average weight recorded from May:157.6
    Average weight recorded for June: 157.4
    Average weight recorded for July: 157.8
    Average weight recorded for Aug: 157.1
    Average weight recorded for Sep155.8
    Average weight recorded for Oct 154.3
    Average weight recorded for Nov 154.2
    Average weight recorded for Dec

    Week ending:
    Nov 1. Avg: 153.5. Trend: 153.8
    Nov 8. Avg: 153.85 Trend: 154.0
    Nov 15 Avg: 154.2 Trend: 154.5
    Nov 22 Avg: 154.18 Trend: 154.3
    Nov 29 Avg: 154.57. Trend: 154.6

    Every time. My body doesn’t like the 153’s.
    I’m at ☮️ With that.
  • charmmeth
    charmmeth Posts: 936 Member
    charmmeth wrote: »
    Will there be a December thread?


    check out Winter Weight Loss Challenge

    Thanks, but this is not a weightloss thread, but a maintenance thread. There is a difference!