Exercise - does painting count?



  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member

    I don't think ya'll are painting the same way some of us are painting. It's definately a workout. I certainly use more energy/muscles than I do walking.

    Right! Have these people painted before? Or did they hire someone?

    Sorry, but moving your body *is* exercise. Whether or not you want to eat extra food because of it is a separate issue, but claiming that it isn't exercise just makes you look silly, imo.
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    Exercise (cardio) is basically anything that puts your heart rate over 70% of your maximum for the duration of the said exercise.
    I doubt painting does this. But you can always check with a heart rate monitor to see for sure if you want.

    All cardio is exercise, but not all exercise is cardio. :wink:
  • beattie1
    beattie1 Posts: 1,012 Member
    I haven't read all responses, so apologies if this has been said already.

    My activity setting is at "sedentary" so if I spend a significant amount of time doing a calorie-burning activity I log it and eat at least half of the calories burned back - more if I'm hungry. You can find the calorie count here -

    According to the above website, painting (decorating) uses 306 calories per hour assuming a body weight of 150 lbs. This includes the calories you would have burned if you'd spent that time sitting in your armchair (BMR), I believe. The same website gives 68 calories as the number of calories burned if you just sat (assuming a body weight of 150 lbs), so in an hour you burned an extra 250 or so calories.

    I'd log it and eat them!! :smile:

    Edited to add, OK, maybe not all of them, but you've certainly EARNED more than you would have if you'd been doing nothing very much.
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member

    I don't think ya'll are painting the same way some of us are painting. It's definately a workout. I certainly use more energy/muscles than I do walking.

    Right! Have these people painted before? Or did they hire someone?

    Sorry, but moving your body *is* exercise. Whether or not you want to eat extra food because of it is a separate issue, but claiming that it isn't exercise just makes you look silly, imo.

    <imagine random face palm picture here.>

    Yeah, painting is effort, and uncomfortable. It's not exercise, and moving your body is not exercise. It can be, but simple movement is not. My chest moves when I breathe, no, it is not exercising. >_<

    Claiming everything is exercise isn't even silly, it's unreasonable, illogical, and wrong. It's also willfully misleading towards others.
  • FakingFitness
    FakingFitness Posts: 325 Member

    I don't think ya'll are painting the same way some of us are painting. It's definately a workout. I certainly use more energy/muscles than I do walking.

    Right! Have these people painted before? Or did they hire someone?

    Sorry, but moving your body *is* exercise. Whether or not you want to eat extra food because of it is a separate issue, but claiming that it isn't exercise just makes you look silly, imo.

    <imagine random face palm picture here.>

    Yeah, painting is effort, and uncomfortable. It's not exercise, and moving your body is not exercise. It can be, but simple movement is not. My chest moves when I breathe, no, it is not exercising. >_<

    Claiming everything is exercise isn't even silly, it's unreasonable, illogical, and wrong. It's also willfully misleading towards others.

    right... and it's also misleading and fooling yourself. Taping is not strenuous. Nor is going up and down a ladder. Rollers and brushes don't weigh enough to be considered weights. Rolling walls isn't really more work than vacuuming.

    I've painted plenty. I've painted houses. I've been hired to paint. I paint because I enjoy it.
    It doesn't make my muscles sore and it doesn't make me out of breath.

    But, some people like to claim doing laundry is exercising too.
    I don't count exercise that isn't a workout. weights, hiking, running, biking, etc.

    IMO, especially if you're trying for weight loss, those calories can just be considered a bonus deficit for the day.
    Micro analyzing every move, tends to set people up for failure. It gets too stressful over time.

    But, to each his own.