BMI and steps/running

What was your step goal for each part of your bmi level per day, and what number for your bmi did you start running?

BMI 50: 5000 steps
40: 10,000 steps
35: 12,000 steps
30: 15,000 steps
25: 17,000 steps
20: 20,000 steps

Sorry if this is a weird question. Thanks


  • Lietchi
    Lietchi Posts: 6,121 Member
    edited November 2020
    I never chose step goals based on my BMI. But at the beginning of my journey I soon realized how inactive I was, so I increased my step count gradually.

    Currently a BMI of just under 26 and my absolute minimum is 6500 steps, often double to triple that in reality. The thing is, choosing a goal that is too high can get obsessive, to the detriment of other activities that don't include steps (in my case indoor rowing and strength training). Generally speaking, I only exceed 15000-20000 steps on days when I have long runs or actual outdoor walks/hikes.

    Being a data geek, I actually have a graph combining my weight and step counts since I started my weight loss :mrgreen: In attachment below. Scale: weight on the left (kg) with the colored lines showing BMI - step count on the right. The white bars are my step counts.

    As for running: I started (treadmill) running in November last year, at a BMI between 31 and 32.
  • Bluetail6
    Bluetail6 Posts: 2,874 Member
    Lietchi wrote: »
    I never chose step goals based on my BMI. But at the beginning of my journey I soon realized how inactive I was, so I increased my step count gradually.

    Currently a BMI of just under 26 and my absolute minimum is 6500 steps, often double to triple that in reality. The thing is, choosing a goal that is too high can get obsessive, to the detriment of other activities that don't include steps (in my case indoor rowing and strength training). Generally speaking, I only exceed 15000-20000 steps on days when I have long runs or actual outdoor walks/hikes.

    Being a data geek, I actually have a graph combining my weight and step counts since I started my weight loss :mrgreen: In attachment below. Scale: weight on the left (kg) with the colored lines showing BMI - step count on the right. The white bars are my step counts.

    As for running: I started (treadmill) running in November last year, at a BMI between 31 and 32.

    Fascinating and interesting.

    Not a weird question. I just never thought of it like that.
  • Chieflrg
    Chieflrg Posts: 9,097 Member
    edited November 2020
    I'm wasn't concerned with BMI or steps personally when ai started running.

    My BMI doesn't and has rarely reflected anything useful as a red flag for health concerns.

    My choice for running was only as a release or escape.
  • spiriteagle99
    spiriteagle99 Posts: 3,675 Member
    My step goal is given to me by my Garmin and is based on the steps I have been doing most recently. If I'm training for a race it goes up, when I'm on vacation and spending hours every day in the car it goes down. I don't worry about it. I just aim for 1-2 hours of movement a day.
  • Jthanmyfitnesspal
    Jthanmyfitnesspal Posts: 3,521 Member
    Running depends less on your BMI than on your general physiology and training, but I think I get your point: if you are very heavy, running could be a bit hard on the joints, and it might be better to walk. It is certainly better to walk than it is to be sidelined by a stress injury!

    I am a late-life runner with BMI close to 20 I only starting at around 55y. I run slowly (~10mm), so you could call me a jogger. (I wouldn't be offended!) I worked up to the 5k distance over a period of more than a year, using the C25K app and repeating a lot of the workouts many times until I felt comfortable. I have had many aches and pains! Once I got to 5k, I would go out and run that distance, finding that my heart rate was absolutely maxed at the end. I added miles over time, and I'm proud to say that I have run comfortably up to around 10 miles at a slow pace. (I've done one HM.)

    So: If you want to add running, add it in very gradually and let your body be the guide. Best of luck!