Going to the gym, counting calories, not losing weight



  • Mommybug2
    Mommybug2 Posts: 149 Member
    I wouldn't worry about starvation mode. 2 days of 2000 calories may be a bit much and you may be killing your deficit on these days. I am 5' 6" I set my calories to 1260 (1lb) and go to the gym regularly. Because my HRM and the Elliptical disagree by quite a bit I go with the HRM number (which is about half of the Elliptical) to stay on the safe side. Then I don't purposely eat back the calories but do allow myself to go over 1260 those days. Then one day I give myself a "free" day so I can eat whatever I want but I still try to log that day so if I stop losing I will be able to see if that day is setting me back.

    I have been steadily losing since January - down almost 60 lbs. I have gone a week or so without a budge on the scale but then suddenly it will go down 2-3 lbs seemingly overnight.
  • I understand your frustration, but in my experience it takes at least six weeks of regular, frequent workouts before the results start to become visible. Since you've been working at it for a month now, that means you're almost there!
  • Thank you everyone for your advice!
  • WarriorCupcakeBlydnsr
    WarriorCupcakeBlydnsr Posts: 2,150 Member
    Everyone's given great advice on food, workouts, measuring, ect so I'm only going to suggest one more thing: if you haven't already been to a doctor for a blood work up, consider getting one done.

    Let me explain why I am suggesting this, in the past year I have been eating 1700 cals/ day on an food plan set up by a Registered Dietician (I weigh and measure EVERYTHING as she recommended) and work out 6 days a week (cardio and weights, including working with a personal trainer once a week) and I was still gaining weight (I gained 37 lbs in one year) my doctor was mystefied because all my bloodwork was normal (except that darn high cholesterol), I was eating right and working out, well she sent me to an endocrinologist who did a complete work up beyond the traditional blood tests. She had my TSH results not only that she did but also the two other ones done this year and she found a pattern in my TSH that I'm shifting from normal to high levels: an early sign of hypothyroidism and she found that while my blood sugar is normal, I'm producing too much insulin to keep it normal: So, I'm also prediabetic (she said that most likely, my eating and exercise is probably what's kept me from developing diabetes). I was just diagnosed a few days ago so here's hoping that the meds work and the food and exercise will start actually working towards weight loss.

    So there is a possiblilty that you have some underlying issue that is causing this for you. Hopefully some of these suggestions that people are offering will help you towards your goal and you don't have to go through the frustration that I did (I would not wish this frustration of working so hard and having nothing happen or the opposite to happen on anybody).

    Best of luck OP!