Question for the ladies: Going off birth control...

Has anyone stopped taking birth control pills and experienced depression? I do not consider myself a depressed person at all, and since I've stopped taking the pill roughly a week and a half ago, I feel like a complete stranger. I feel like I am blowing other issues in my life WAY out of proportion, and I swing from a normal state to completely devastated. I barely have an appetite, I haven't exercised, I have lost a couple of pounds, my headaches are unbelievable, all I want to do is sleep and I've been crying...A Lot! I have a let a small thing turn into something huge in my head and I feel like I'm going off the deep end. I feel shakey and my stomach is constantly knotted up. I was just wondering if anyone else had expereinced anything like this when stopping birth control. I have no intent to see a doctor or get on an anti depressent because I don't think that's the right path for me. I need ideas of natural ways to overcome this, I can't be the first person to expereince this so any advice is greatly appreciated.

If you are wondering why I stopped taking the pill, it's because my husband and I are planning to expand our family soon. This should be a happy time...but right not I'm just down right sad :(


  • blh_1010
    blh_1010 Posts: 284 Member
    I don't really no, but your body might be going through withdrawls from not having the pill anymore. You might want to just contact your doctor and see if that is what it is (not go in just talk on the phone). Or check webmd and see what it might have to say. I know that the pill can do a lot with you body, hormones, blood pressure, etc... I would say if it persists for more then 2.5 weeks go and see a doctor there maybe something else going on. Also just on a note: something that always uplifts my spirts is going for a walk or going to the lake and just sitting watching it in the cool breaze. You might need to find a happy spot so when you do feel this way you can go and do the things that make you happy to help ease things a little. I am sorry you are going through this, and I hope it passes soon.
  • aerobicgirl
    aerobicgirl Posts: 354 Member
    wow i have stopped the birth control about 2 months ago and i can say i have been feeling a little depressed. jsut feeling, i have been thinking alot about my life and how it has changed the past 4 yrs. i have a 3 yr old and 10 mth old, don't get me wrong i love them, but well all im gonna say is yes i have been feeling depressed and getting back on the depo next month.
  • batty5
    batty5 Posts: 193
    Clearly a hormonal issue, one I remember well from years ago when I always felt my best on the pill.
    No real advice other than to say that things will settle a bit, may be completely as it takes time for your hormones to adjust & your system will probably be in shock at the moment. Try the health shop for some suitable supplements which may help & remember to be taking the folic acid before embarking on the fun times to enlarge your family. Good luck.:wink:
  • Nina74
    Nina74 Posts: 470 Member
    Hi Melissa:

    I'm sorry you are experiencing this!

    I have to say my experience with coming off of bc is exactly like what you are experiencing now. My body is really sensitive to drugs, but especially to hormones. I was a rollercoaster of emotions when I stopped taking it (ha. great. is that what I would experience with post-partum?). I would be fine and then suddenly the smallest thing would set me off and I would be bawling my eyes out. I still have *really* bad PMS (this month is awful). So, you are not crazy by any means.

    A few years after I came off, I tried to go back on, and I went back to the wild crying episodes, moodiness, and I figured I wouldn't be having much sex if I kept up this attractive behavior, so I stopped. I have no desire to go back on it ever again.

    What you are experiencing--- it is withdrawal and hormonal disturbances from the Pill. I used (at the recommendation of a chiropractor) Progest cream (natural progesterine) and that helped counteract some of the symptoms. You can probably buy it online....I can't remember exactly, but you rub 1/2 tsp on your stomach each day and take a certain amount of time off during your cycle.

    Hang in there. It will get better :)

    Editted to add:
    This is the Progest stuff....probably also available at a health food store near you.
  • melbhall
    melbhall Posts: 519
    Thanks ladies. I know this isn't the most appropriate place to discuss this, but short of calling a doctors office (I just moved so I don't have one yet) I thought I might get some good feed back. I know I need to eat better, exercise more and try to find something to make me happy but I just feel like I've fallen into an all out mope and I don't know how to get out. This morning I'm having a cup of coffee and a cereal bar. I'm going to clean when I put my son down and try to get back into my normal routine. And if these strange feelings don't go away in a few weeks I will call my doc.

    Pinkpena, I'm sorry you went through this too, but I'm glad to know I'm not alone and just going crazy. I will do my best to tough it out for now!
  • antiadipose
    antiadipose Posts: 447
    this is probably not gonna help but OMG once i was off of it i felt so much BETTER?!
    B U T ... i do understand the depression part... i did feel down and quiet?! and emotional. but it went away quickly!
    i started losing weight and wasnt moody tho. and wasnt in the mood to FIGHT SOME1 all the time like i was when i was on the pill lol
  • geicko
    geicko Posts: 151
    The pill prevents you from experimenting the mood swings and other "side effect" of menstruation, currently known as PMS ;)

    I always thought I was a very lucky women for not having those dreadful PMS. It changed when I stopped taking the pill ! Some months are easier. Others are terrible. It's all about hormones. If you still have a hard time dealing with all of this in one or two cycles, I'd recommand talking to your doctor about it. Progesterone cream and other treatment to help alleviate PMS symptoms can have an effect on fertility and your ability to conceive.
  • Allibaba
    Allibaba Posts: 457 Member
    I have been on hormonal birth control for a very long time. I recently made the decision to go off it and have my tubes tied. I am finished having children and I am finished adding hormones to my system. I am not sure what awaits me on the other end of all of this but I am hoping for the best. Hopefully once your body adjusts to being off the pill you will feel better! Not sure what else to suggest other than to try and get out and get some fresh air and exercise, it always helps at least a bit! **hugs**
  • aerobicgirl
    aerobicgirl Posts: 354 Member
    i wish you luck on expanding your family. kids are a blessing, i have 2.
  • Camyll
    Camyll Posts: 1
    I think this is totally normal for some women. I experienced alot of the same a google search on "hormone withdrawl after going off birth control"...this helped so much when I went off the pill and was having the most insane symptoms.

    Good luck!!