What do you do when you lack the motivation to train every day?

Hi everyone.

What do you do when you lack the motivation to train every day or you are feeling down?


  • MidlifeCrisisFitness
    MidlifeCrisisFitness Posts: 1,106 Member
    Chances are you need to recover. Especially if you are middle aged like myself.
  • emmies_123
    emmies_123 Posts: 513 Member
    Maybe try to look at it a new way?

    *Focus on how good you feel after getting it done.
    *Think of how far you have come already so today's training puts you one day stronger/faster/etc.
    *Make it as easy as possible to start. Get your workout gear together and visible. I do online workout videos, so I have tab ready to go the night before, morning comes I just need to click play.
    *Change up routine so it isn't so, well...routine. I like variety, so I need different moves instead of the same sets. And if sets get boring I go for walks just so I'm doing something
  • emmies_123
    emmies_123 Posts: 513 Member
    I don't rely on "motivation", I rely on habit. My training is a habit and I just do it-- no thinking, no whining with myself, no relying on anyone to go with me. I'll be 66 in another month.

    Ok so this is fine but not everyone starts out at that level of determination. Training can become a habit, but every habit has to build from somewhere and I think OP is looking for more encouragement on how to start. Your wording can be taken very negatively by someone who is already mentally struggling to self-improve and may consider themselves even more of a failure for not having the determination you do.
  • I go to the gym anyway. If on not feeling it I will spend all of my allotted time one the tread mill. This may or may not be good advise it's just what I do to re enforce habbit
  • emmies_123
    emmies_123 Posts: 513 Member

    Just like you, I wrote what I do--that's what the OP asked. I don't consider myself "determined", just lazy. If I know what I do everyday and at what time (varies during the week), I just do it and go on the the other million things I've got to think about. You took my wording negatively, and I'm sorry you did that. If the OP asked for suggestions for ways to keep going with his training, the answer would be a bit different. However, there are so many people looking for motivation, which is fleeting, so making exercise a habit is easier. Also, it should be something you like doing.

    Fair. I think it was the "no whining" part that tripped my brain into defensive mode! your post comes across as very determined and not lazy at all.
  • AwesomeSquirrel
    AwesomeSquirrel Posts: 644 Member
    I try to trigger positive actions. For example changing into my workout clothes first thing in the morning or when I get home from work. Finding habits can help you get in the groove as well, are you consistent with when, where and how your workout should be taking place? Even planning out 1 week at a time helps you avoid making a decision in the moment. I never go into a day wondering what workout I should do, or if I should work out at all. It’s already planned.

    Another thing is setting a minimum which often gains momentum. So I decide that all I need to do to get to tick off yoga is 10 sun salutations, but more often than not that propels me into a longer practice that felt imposssible before I got started.

    Or I might say “Ok, do the super short 3km loop today, just get the run in”. Focus on sustaining the habit instead of hitting the planned mileage.

    I also find it helpful to think of levels. There’s “optimal”, “good” and “basic”. Expecting every day to reach the optimal level is not realistic for me. By knowing how I define the minimum I can accept that day instead of labelling it as a failure.
  • Dogmom1978
    Dogmom1978 Posts: 1,580 Member
    I go anyway. I go to the gym after work. Too many times in the past, I would lose motivation and stop going. Now, I remind myself how I feel after a workout and then I get changed and head down to the gym.

    The only way I would skip now is if I’m sick or injured.
  • panda4153
    panda4153 Posts: 417 Member
    I was listening to a speaker that came to my office once. I wish I could remember her name, but she is an Olympic gold medal cross country skier. She was diagnosed with breast cancer, abs she talked about how she would make herself go for 10 minutes on her workout no matter how crappy she felt. Even through Chemo. She would let herself quit after 10 minutes, but she said that more often then not, she felt good enough to keep going, but giving herself the out at 10 minutes made it easier to do at least that.
  • JessBbody
    JessBbody Posts: 523 Member
    I completely feel you, OP. Working out 4-6 times a week has become a routine for me, but I still struggle to get started every single time I'm facing a workout.

    Reading the answers here is inspiring. I can't say that it's a habit and has become automatic and I just shut off the lazy part of my brain and "just do it." I have to psych myself up every time. Pacing around trying to get my body moving and "in the mood" for a hard workout, complete with heavy breathing and sweat. It's not easy. It's hard work.

    When I used to spin at the gym I would enjoy it. But short of cycling outdoors (which I don't do because I don't have a bike, but I do enjoy very much) and dancing i don't get pumped about exercise. I can't say that the YouTube workouts that I do fill me with zest and enthusiasm. I do them because I want my body to look good. And feeling stronger / healthier is nice too. That brief period after working out when my body feels light and clean and super relaxed and a little "high," if you will, is a nice after-effect.

    I get started by putting my workout clothes on. That is like a signal to my brain that a workout is coming.

    Sometimes I'll search YouTube for fitness motivation or read articles on the same topic.

    If I REALLY feel unmotivated I'll say, just do something easy for 20 minutes. That way you have something to write on the calendar.

    If I've planned to do a hard workout that day and yet feel unmotivated, I'll say, just put on the video and half-kitten it. Inevitably I'll put on the video and work a lot harder than I expected to.

    I acknowledge that, for me there is such a thing as needing motivation. I don't pretend to myself that i can force myself to exercise by sheer force of will. I need to take steps to get myself there. I rarely do it without having to think about it.

    In fact, I've thought about starting this thread about a dozen times. You beat me to it!
    LGS_RFS Posts: 78 Member
    What helps me out is that I made it a habit to work out during lunch Monday-Friday. It just allows me to break up the day and motivates some of my troops to join me in the gym. Also in a way we keep each other accountable and if we don’t show up we just make fun of each other that day. Even on the off days we try to keep each other in check and on track for our small goals.

    Other than that, all I have to do is look at my son to remind me why I started working out again. That usually gets my *kitten* in gear to do 45min of body weight workouts.
  • CameronWhittaker
    CameronWhittaker Posts: 26 Member
    Pre-workout is a helluva drug.
  • springlering62
    springlering62 Posts: 8,283 Member
    This is interesting. I thought I was the only person who felt this way. If I get up and feel like “meh, not today”, I tell myself to get out there and at least do the “short” walk around the park and back.

    Usually, by the time I’m halfway through the circuit, I’ve shaken the meh feeling off, tacked on another mile or two, and am ready to get down to the business of other, heartier exercise. (Walking is my morning “me time” or warmup.)

    It’s just a matter of getting myself out the door.

    “Bargaining” as someone aptly put it.
  • AliNouveau
    AliNouveau Posts: 36,287 Member
    I put on workout clothes. Usually that will make my brain think you've got to work out.. if I'm super unmotivated I'll do something I like for a workout. If it's fun it's more likely going to capture my interest and I can plow through it
  • elisa123gal
    elisa123gal Posts: 4,322 Member
    if you feel like you're not motivated most of the time. Perhaps change the exercise or workout that you're doing. Try to find something you actually like and are more apt to do. You can't live your life trying to hype yourself up every day.
  • SwtHedgehog
    SwtHedgehog Posts: 175 Member
    I agree with the previous responses of the 10-15 minutes. Most often after that time, you'll be into it, and if not, you at least got that time in. Also find something that you enjoy and is your relief from stress and life. Remember that it is okay to skip a day here and there; the body does also need it's rest/recovery.
  • uppercutXpert
    uppercutXpert Posts: 23 Member
    KHMcG wrote: »
    Chances are you need to recover. Especially if you are middle aged like myself.

    Yes I will have to take care of me, sleep my eight hours every night, which I have not done recently due to stress. I want each of my trainings to not take more than 30 minutes for now.
    emmies_123 wrote: »
    *Focus on how good you feel after getting it done.
    *Think of how far you have come already so today's training puts you one day stronger/faster/etc.
    *Make it as easy as possible to start. Get your workout gear together and visible. I do online workout videos, so I have tab ready to go the night before, morning comes I just need to click play.
    *Change up routine so it isn't so, well...routine. I like variety, so I need different moves instead of the same sets. And if sets get boring I go for walks just so I'm doing something

    Thanks for the tips. I will follow your advices.

    I have just put my workout gear visible and ready for tomorrow morning. I will also decide in advance, what I will do the next day and prepare all the equipment I need for my training.

    For changing routine, do you think that I should use circuit training with several exercises in each cycle?
    emmies_123 wrote: »
    Training can become a habit, but every habit has to build from somewhere and I think OP is looking for more encouragement on how to start. Your wording can be taken very negatively by someone who is already mentally struggling to self-improve and may consider themselves even more of a failure for not having the determination you do.

    You are right. Sometimes I feel low like right now. Don't feel like doing anything. I know I should do something but I still struggle. And three years ago, I suffered from a major depression and anxiety disorder. I don't want this to happen again.
    I go to the gym anyway. If on not feeling it I will spend all of my allotted time one the tread mill. This may or may not be good advise it's just what I do to re enforce habbit

    Thanks for your comment. I appreciate it :)
    I try to trigger positive actions. For example changing into my workout clothes first thing in the morning or when I get home from work.

    Even planning out 1 week at a time helps you avoid making a decision in the moment. I never go into a day wondering what workout I should do, or if I should work out at all. It’s already planned.

    Another thing is setting a minimum which often gains momentum. So I decide that all I need to do to get to tick off yoga is 10 sun salutations, but more often than not that propels me into a longer practice that felt imposssible before I got started.

    I also find it helpful to think of levels. There’s “optimal”, “good” and “basic”. Expecting every day to reach the optimal level is not realistic for me. By knowing how I define the minimum I can accept that day instead of labelling it as a failure.

    Wow, I really like your suggestions.

    I will try to do as you say;

    1. Change in my workout clothes when I wake up in the morning.
    2. Planning my workouts one week in advance.
    3. Setting a minimum before each of my training.

    Thanks again!
    panda4153 wrote: »
    I was listening to a speaker that came to my office once. I wish I could remember her name, but she is an Olympic gold medal cross country skier. She was diagnosed with breast cancer, abs she talked about how she would make herself go for 10 minutes on her workout no matter how crappy she felt. Even through Chemo. She would let herself quit after 10 minutes, but she said that more often then not, she felt good enough to keep going, but giving herself the out at 10 minutes made it easier to do at least that.

    Cool idea. Thanks for sharing :)
    What helps me out is that I made it a habit to work out during lunch Monday-Friday. It just allows me to break up the day and motivates some of my troops to join me in the gym. Also in a way we keep each other accountable and if we don’t show up we just make fun of each other that day. Even on the off days we try to keep each other in check and on track for our small goals.

    Other than that, all I have to do is look at my son to remind me why I started working out again. That usually gets my *kitten* in gear to do 45min of body weight workouts.

    Thanks for your comments. Really appreciated.
    Pre-workout is a helluva drug.

    What is a pre-workout exactly?
    This is interesting. I thought I was the only person who felt this way. If I get up and feel like “meh, not today”, I tell myself to get out there and at least do the “short” walk around the park and back.

    Usually, by the time I’m halfway through the circuit, I’ve shaken the meh feeling off, tacked on another mile or two, and am ready to get down to the business of other, heartier exercise. (Walking is my morning “me time” or warmup.)

    Yes it happens to me too. Once I start, I got momentum and decide to keep going. Like someone said before, I should just start with a clear minimum of what I should do and try to add more energy and time once I begin.
    if you feel like you're not motivated most of the time. Perhaps change the exercise or workout that you're doing. Try to find something you actually like and are more apt to do. You can't live your life trying to hype yourself up every day.

    Do you think that I should try circuit training? I am thinking that it should maybe motivate me more.
    I agree with the previous responses of the 10-15 minutes. Most often after that time, you'll be into it, and if not, you at least got that time in. Also find something that you enjoy and is your relief from stress and life. Remember that it is okay to skip a day here and there; the body does also need it's rest/recovery.

    Thanks. I really like boxing but have not done a lot recently. I will reinstall my double-end bag and begin to do more jumping rope.