Pants that fit?

JeffersJJ Posts: 58 Member
Here's my problem, y'all. I have a 33-34 waist, but to get jeans/pants to fit me in the butt and legs (yes, I squat and deadlift) I have to buy roughly a 36-38" waist and have it tapered in to fit the waist. When done correctly by the right tailor, this looks "okay", but generally, it looks like ****.

My other options are to get the pants to fit me in the waist, causing the pockets to flair out like Mickey Mouse ears, or to get them to fit me in the butt/thighs and have a bunch of extra fabric getting bunched up around my waist. I don't like any of these options.

I'd rather cheese-grate my coin purse than go pants shopping at this point. Does anyone know of a brand of jeans/pants that is made for people with this waist-to-butt/thighs ratio problem?