ever notice how eating healthy isnt the norm?



  • 1Steph1
    1Steph1 Posts: 145
    I was thinking about this just last night while I was making a healthy dinner lol. The norm for me is I cook a healthy meal every night, and once in a while I will make something kinda more junky like a vegetarian lasagna or something like that... But for a lot of people I know., they do the opposite..a good healthy meal once in a while.... What kind of way is that to live????? lol :)
  • sissy56
    sissy56 Posts: 108 Member
    Great topic and comments. Everyone is so right about the amount of effort it takes to eat well. I heard a person asked how he had lost so much weight and he said he'd chosen to live an inconvenient lifestyle ( eating well and exercising) and he's right; it's not convenient but the longterm alternative is so much worse.
  • KellyBurton1
    KellyBurton1 Posts: 529 Member
    I was talking to someone the other day and they ask me how much weight have I lost and I told them 90lbs altogether. She ask me when will I stop dieting. I looked at her with a surprise look and said I will never stop. Im not on a diet ,Its a lifestyle change. If I went back (not because I ever want to feel that way ever again) I would gain back everything. I've work to hard to give up.
  • lilmissy2
    lilmissy2 Posts: 595 Member
    hahaha it's so true!

    As a dietitian, you would not believe (well, perhaps YOU guys would!) the kind of crap we have to put up with both if we choose to eat healthily or if we choose to eat something not so healthy.

    If you choose the fruit over the cake at the staff morning tea you are the obsessive eating disordered dietitian... but the physio can get away with it just fine! If one of us eats a white bread sandwich for lunch, suddenly there are all these questions about whether we think white bread is better for us and why we are eating it.

    Don't even get me started on the people (including staff we work with) that absolutely refuse to eat anything in front of us!! :laugh:
  • sissy56
    sissy56 Posts: 108 Member
    Also, I you liked Food, inc. , etc. there's another book called The End Of Overeating. It's mainly about additives and manipulation by companies that make processed foods.
  • KellyBurton1
    KellyBurton1 Posts: 529 Member
    Im busy all the time and I dont eat that stuff, theres such things as slow cookers and proper meal planning. People always make excuses.
  • pfenixa
    pfenixa Posts: 194 Member
    So yeah, whatever. Screw 'em.

    Dang right!

    I'll admit, I'm one of the lazies that doesn't always cook...but I'm working on it! I grew up poor with just my dad who thought that all dinner came from a can or a box and it's definitely a tricky habit to break when you've been doing it for 20+ years. I mean, we were the house that bought maybe a half-gallon of milk a week or so because any more than that would go bad. I hesitate alot to buy fresh ingredients because I worry that it'll mostly go to waste since I don't use them regularly and no one in the house usually will at all. It's a work in progress, though. I've been collecting recipes and it'll certainly help to find a few that have similar ingredients.

    That's my excuse. :blushing:
  • megamom
    megamom Posts: 920 Member
    I ordered the small plate at a restaurant the other day. They set this massive amount of food in front of me. :noway: Turns out it was the small plate, not a mistake. Easily could have fed 2 people and did, I took half home and ate it another day. Why do they do that and what must the full plate have looked like?:huh:
  • kaittx13
    kaittx13 Posts: 88 Member
    If your worried about fruits and veggies going bad.. buy them frozen. make sure they dont have any sauces or extra stuff that would add calories. Also if your worried about them going bad.. then make sure you eat them :) Then your money is wasted and your eating healthy.
  • kayemme
    kayemme Posts: 1,782 Member
    Great topic and comments. Everyone is so right about the amount of effort it takes to eat well. I heard a person asked how he had lost so much weight and he said he'd chosen to live an inconvenient lifestyle ( eating well and exercising) and he's right; it's not convenient but the longterm alternative is so much worse.

    "inconvenient" can be loads of fun, though. it's a mindset. i don't miss my old life one bit.
  • leavinglasvegas
    leavinglasvegas Posts: 1,495
    Not sure if anyone here is familiar with Dave Ramsey. I appreciate his no nonsense approach to getting/staying out of debt. He always says "You don't want to be normal because normal is BROKE!"

    Well, you can look around and make an equivalent statement when it comes to "normal" eating. :wink:

    LOVE Dave Ramsey!

    He also says to "Live like no one else, so later on you can LIVE like no one else!"

    True with both money and food:flowerforyou:
  • jennylynn84
    jennylynn84 Posts: 659
    Great topic and comments. Everyone is so right about the amount of effort it takes to eat well. I heard a person asked how he had lost so much weight and he said he'd chosen to live an inconvenient lifestyle ( eating well and exercising) and he's right; it's not convenient but the longterm alternative is so much worse.

    "inconvenient" can be loads of fun, though. it's a mindset. i don't miss my old life one bit.

    I have to agree. I wouldn't trade out most of the food I cook now for the crap I ate before. This stuff is good! And eating the rainbow of fruits and vegetables is a fun project as well. Always trying to find one in a color I don't eat a lot of to add to my meals or snacks. I'm a veggie lover and in this fast-paced, rat-race life where I no longer "had time" to cook, it seems like I had completely forgotten that!

    I also splurge on purchases like a racquet of my very own for racquetball instead of continuing to loan out the gym ones. I have whole new hobbies!
  • leavinglasvegas
    leavinglasvegas Posts: 1,495
    I think it is so wierd that eating healthy and "right" for our bodies is not the normal thing to do..

    Why do people sometimes assume that just because your eating healthy your trying to lose weight.. why can I just not enjoy eating that way?

    Yeah I am trying to get back on track and lose weight now. But even when I was just eating normal for myself I had people ask if I was on a diet? what the heckk

    I guess it just bothers me that sometimes it is assumed if you eat veggies and fruits and dont like chowing down on a steak and dont drink soda your "on a diet"
    I think it is a bit ridiculous and ignorant.

    If someone is eating healthier than the general population.. I think it shows they are just more aware and educated on what goes into their body. Those people actually know the consquences food can have on our bodies and health (not just weight). I am by no means a health guru, but since learning more about all the foods out there I like to know what i am putting into my body.. it the only one i have and i want to take good care of it.

    I totally get this. I even have had people say that they don't need me to bring a dish to a party because no one will eat my healthy food. I've been told that organic food tastes funny:noway: Or fresh food for that matter.

    Since I've been losing weight everyone wants to know what "diet" I'm on. When I say I'm not on a diet I just eat clean, they reply, "I could never live without real food." Seriously? You think that Big Mac is REAL!?!?
  • Michellerw1
    Michellerw1 Posts: 367
    I am probably the laziest person I know and still find time to work, exercise, WATCH TV, and eat whole foods 95% of the time. I just don't get how people use the excuse "I don't have time" to eat whatever they want just because it is "easier". I will sacrifice the 10-20 minutes a day it takes to prepare food for the 10-20 years longer I will be living!
  • leavinglasvegas
    leavinglasvegas Posts: 1,495
    Speaking of TV.

    I'm always amused when someone says they can't afford to eat healthy, but have 900 cable channels.
    Cable is more expensive than food for cryin out loud! And its not a utility like gas, heat, or electricity.

    OK. I'm done.
  • sabrinafaith
    sabrinafaith Posts: 607 Member
    Portion sizes are really a huge problem in this country. When my husband orders pasta it looks like an entire box! He loves it bc he takes home 3/4 of it for later and lunch the next day, but some ppl actually eat the entire thing that meal. It's insane! Or when I order salmon, since when is a POUND a serving!!!
  • pfenixa
    pfenixa Posts: 194 Member
    If your worried about fruits and veggies going bad.. buy them frozen. make sure they dont have any sauces or extra stuff that would add calories. Also if your worried about them going bad.. then make sure you eat them :) Then your money is wasted and your eating healthy.

    It's the oddballs like cucumbers, bell peppers, or lettuce. Maybe these do come frozen, but not where I am and they're definitely not something I eat regularly. And since I'm pretty much the only person eating somewhat healthy in my house if I buy any I'd have to eat nothing but that thing for 2 or 3 days to make sure that it gets used. And I get bored, lol.

    I have this great topsy-turvy balance at my house where if I buy just enough for myself someone will get a bug in their butt and finish it off before I can get to it. Then when I make sure to buy a little more in case that happens, no one touches it and it's all on me.

    ...If only everyone ate healthy...hell, ate semi-healthy, all the time, lol.
  • p90xokc
    p90xokc Posts: 66
    I agree with just about everything said on this topic. The reason people make fun of all of us for choosing to eat healthy is because they won't....Not that they can't, the WON'T. I hate all the food police people in this country who say that we should regulate fast food advertising. It's such crap! They earned that money, they should be able to spend it how they want to. The choice is ultimately up to the individual. Have some will power. If you want to lose weight and change your life bad enough, you will, no matter what the television tells you. There's always a way to make it happen. Personal responsibility has been a dieing thing since the early 90's. It's always someone else's fault if we can't reach our goals. Sorry, not true. You are the only one that can make the change happen in you.
  • Michellerw1
    Michellerw1 Posts: 367
    I agree with just about everything said on this topic. The reason people make fun of all of us for choosing to eat healthy is because they won't....Not that they can't, the WON'T. I hate all the food police people in this country who say that we should regulate fast food advertising. It's such crap! They earned that money, they should be able to spend it how they want to. The choice is ultimately up to the individual. Have some will power. If you want to lose weight and change your life bad enough, you will, no matter what the television tells you. There's always a way to make it happen. Personal responsibility has been a dieing thing since the early 90's. It's always someone else's fault if we can't reach our goals. Sorry, not true. You are the only one that can make the change happen in you.

    There are alot of instances where I feel the line between "can't" and "won't" has become so fuzzy that people do not know the difference between the two words!
  • jennylynn84
    jennylynn84 Posts: 659
    I agree with just about everything said on this topic. The reason people make fun of all of us for choosing to eat healthy is because they won't....Not that they can't, the WON'T. I hate all the food police people in this country who say that we should regulate fast food advertising. It's such crap! They earned that money, they should be able to spend it how they want to. The choice is ultimately up to the individual. Have some will power. If you want to lose weight and change your life bad enough, you will, no matter what the television tells you. There's always a way to make it happen. Personal responsibility has been a dieing thing since the early 90's. It's always someone else's fault if we can't reach our goals. Sorry, not true. You are the only one that can make the change happen in you.

    I have to agree, I think what is really outside the norm these days is personal responsibility.

    I reached a certain point, took a step back and said, "I got fat. How did I get fat? What did I do to MAKE MYSELF fat? And how do I fix it?"

    Most people get to a certain point where there doctor finally tells them something or they actually get sick from it and then they reach up, point their finger (at anyone) and say, "YOU MADE ME FAT."

    In the end, people need to take some responsibility for their health. It's like how they don't want McDs to be able to use Ronald McDonald anymore, because it targets children. Is Ronald McDonald really to blame? Did the 4 year old hop on his Big Wheel and go through the drive thru? Or did Mom buy it for him? So your kid wants a happy meal. If you know its not good for them and you CARE then don't get it. I wanted a pony. Guess what? It didn't happen.

    People that don't want to eat healthy will always find someplace to assign blame - their job, their family, their responsibilities (for why they are so busy). But usually that is all it is blame. An excuse for not finding a solution. And then they will easily tease you about what you eat, whether its because you have a vegetable for a snack or just because you won't eat fast food, because they need to remind you that you're lucky you have the "luxury" to eat healthy and they are tortured by "X excuse" and cannot.

    Sorry. That's my rant.
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