50+ women getting ready for 2021!



  • lemurcat2
    lemurcat2 Posts: 7,885 Member
    Welcome, everyone who joined recently!
  • Chooklet57
    Chooklet57 Posts: 43 Member

    Im in, ready to refocus. Similar position to Tmac (dont have the knack yet of quoting". Lost a stack , gained some back and refocusing now. Going slow this time but hopefully not in reverse!
  • Pharmgirl19692020
    Pharmgirl19692020 Posts: 14 Member
    Anyone here been using MFP for a while? I need help with finding or creating recipes. I make a lot of my own food with just imagination as opposed to recipes. Today I made zucchini noodles with my own version of a Thai sauce. How do you count that? Or do I need to be mindful of each and every ingredient that goes in it? It’s hard to figure how much of that I can eat...
  • lemurcat2
    lemurcat2 Posts: 7,885 Member
    If just for me, I'd log all the ingredients, divide by whatever portion I ate, and note what I was considering a serving (total weight) in the comments box. (For example, if I intended it to be 4 servings and it was 1020 g, I'd note that a serving was 255 g.) Since I cook a lot for just me, this is the main way I do it -- I input while cooking and then reduce the numbers based on the servings it makes, or else I note down the ingredients when cooking, since I also mainly make-up my own recipes and if I look at recipes it's only for inspiration.

    If it is for multiple people or something I planned to make again with basically the same ingredients and wanted to remember, I'd use the recipe builder. I've never had success with the new one that supposedly imports ingredients for you anyway, so I use the manual one. https://www.myfitnesspal.com/recipe_parser
  • Kathryn41057
    Kathryn41057 Posts: 181 Member
    Anyone here been using MFP for a while? I need help with finding or creating recipes. I make a lot of my own food with just imagination as opposed to recipes. Today I made zucchini noodles with my own version of a Thai sauce. How do you count that? Or do I need to be mindful of each and every ingredient that goes in it? It’s hard to figure how much of that I can eat...

    Hi!! Your best bet is to “Creat” a recipe for the noodles, and Thai sauce. That way, when you make them in future, you’ll know what amounts of ingredients to use, and you can set your serving sizes
  • __TMac__
    __TMac__ Posts: 1,665 Member
    I use the recipe creator pretty frequently for meals that I’m likely to make again, and that are more than just a few ingredients.

    I weigh the cooking dish or serving pot in grams and write that down somewhere. Then weigh (zeroing it out in between) and put all the ingredients into the recipe builder as they get prepped. When it’s all done cooking, I weigh the food in the pre-weighed pot or dish, and subtract from the pot weight to get the food weight. Then divide that weight by 100 to get the number of servings. I name it something like “Chili (100g srv)”.

    When I’m using a recipe from online, I do it the same way, but start with the URL import function. You often need to edit/adjust ingredients, but it’s fairly expedient.

    Then when I log when eating the meal that night or the leftovers, I just weigh the amount I’m eating and get my accurate calories for each 100g.

    When I make the recipe again, if I’m likely to change quantities of ingredients, I just edit the recipe.

    This does require a scale that can handle full pot weights. I have this one:

    OXO 1128380 1128380 Good Grips Stainless Steel Food Scale with Pull Out Display, 22 Pound, Silver/Black https://www.amazon.com/dp/B007WTI8J2/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_fabt1_q6pXFbX0XFZD3
  • bjt2017
    bjt2017 Posts: 1 Member
    I am in, at 54 it is a lot harder to lose weight now. I have about 50 lbs to lose so could definitely use the group support.- Thanks for starting this :)
  • Real_Lydia
    Real_Lydia Posts: 3 Member
    Please feel free to add me. I'm 55. Just restarted MFP today. I have to lose (48lbs) in total.
  • Pharmgirl19692020
    Pharmgirl19692020 Posts: 14 Member
    @Real_Lydia...how do I add people?
  • Pharmgirl19692020
    Pharmgirl19692020 Posts: 14 Member
    @_TMac_ where is the recipe creator?
  • Real_Lydia
    Real_Lydia Posts: 3 Member
    @pharmgirl_1963 You click on the person's name under their profile pic, which brings up their profile. Then you click "add as friend"
  • __TMac__
    __TMac__ Posts: 1,665 Member
    @_TMac_ where is the recipe creator?

    I’m not sure about the PC site, but on the app:

    1) At the bottom, right corner, click the 3 dots where it says More.

    2) Go to My Meals, Recipes & Foods.

    3) Click the bottom blue bar to Create A Recipe.

    4) You can then choose to import one from a website or you can start from scratch.

    It’s going to ask you for the number of servings right away. Just put in a 1 until you actually know how many grams/servings it will make.
  • bebeisfit
    bebeisfit Posts: 951 Member
    Hi everyone! I'm not new to MFP , but haven't been logging my food or exercising for quite some time. Last week I turned 59..which means I'll be 69 next year.

    Like so many others I was up and down with my weight for most of my life. I hit 260 before my 40th birthday and something clicked. It took several years with lifes ups and downs..bad relationship, job loss, parent loss and moving a couple of times. But I maintained my 80 lb loss for several years. In fact my late 40's I considered myself pretty hot.

    I've struggled to maintain a consistent exercise routine the last few years and since covid, my waistline has expanded.

    Today, I logged my food and did a short workout.

    Lets go!
  • annliz23
    annliz23 Posts: 3,461 Member
    bebeisfit wrote: »
    Hi everyone! I'm not new to MFP , but haven't been logging my food or exercising for quite some time. Last week I turned 59..which means I'll be 69 next year.

    Like so many others I was up and down with my weight for most of my life. I hit 260 before my 40th birthday and something clicked. It took several years with lifes ups and downs..bad relationship, job loss, parent loss and moving a couple of times. But I maintained my 80 lb loss for several years. In fact my late 40's I considered myself pretty hot.

    I've struggled to maintain a consistent exercise routine the last few years and since covid, my waistline has expanded.

    Today, I logged my food and did a short workout.

    Lets go!

    Its consistency, well done a great start!